Course title
職業指導(農業)   [Vocational Guidance(Agriculture)]
Course category   Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year 23  Semester Spring 
Course type Spring  Course code 01AG7101
野村 卓, 降旗 信一   [NOMURA Takashi, FURIHATA Shinichi]
Facility affiliation Graduate School of Agriculture Office   Email address

Course description
In order to understand and control processing operations in food manufacture, phenomena occurred in food manufacturing equipment such as flux of food, balance and transfer for both mass and heat should be comprehended in a quantitative way. This class will learn balance of mass and heat, basic theory of transfer phenomena ( ex. flow, heat transfer, diffusion), kinetics of chemical reaction and sterilization in foods, and fundamental of food refrigeration.
Expected Learning
General goal of this class is to understand the principle of continuous thermal sterilization process for liquid foods such as milk. To achieve this, followings should be cleared.
1) To calculate the balance of mass and heat in food manufacturing process
2) To understand various forces acting on food and explain flow of running fluids in a circular pipe
3) To understand three heat transfer modes and explain temperature change of solid or liquid foods when they are heated.
4) To understand the kinetics of sterilization and calculate simple sterilization problem
5) To understand the fundamentals of food refrigeration
Course schedule
Week 1 Class outline, the role of engineering in food manufacturing
Week 2 Unit and dimension, mass balance (1)
Week 3 Mass balance (2)
Week 4 Heat balance
Week 5 Heat transfer modes (conduction, convection, radiation)
Week 6 Heat conduction; steady and unsteady
Week 7 Details of heat exchanger
Week 8 Kinetics of sterilization
Week 9 heat sterilization; equipment and operation
Week 10 Fundamentals of freezing and thawing
Week 11 Details of equipment for freezing and thawing
Week 12 Food processing techniques utilizing freezing and thawing
Week 13 Leading-edge technologies in food refrigeration; glassification and antifreeze protein (AFP)
Week 14 Utilization of enzyme; production process of isomerized sugar
Week 15 General discussion and wrap-up
Taking the class of Food chemistry I&II and Food manufacturing is recommended as related classes.
Required Text(s) and Materials
Handouts will be provided at each lecture.
1. T.Yaho “Fundamentals of food enginnering” Korin Publishing, 2. H. Kumagai et al., “Introduction to food enginnering” I&K Corp., 2. Matsuno & Yano eds., “Food physical chemistry” Kyoritsu Publishing, 4. Committee for revision of food refrigeration technology “The new food refrigeration technology” JSRAE
Reporting assignment (several times): 60%, Quiz at class: 40%
Grading record last year: S 20%, A 80%
Message from instructor(s)
The contents of this class is important and fudamental for not only food manufacturing process but also chemical and biological productions. To promote better understanding we will try including practice for solving basic problems as best as we can. We hope reviewing the class by utilizing assignments for many times will assist your understanding. This class requires the mathematical knowledge of high school level.
Course keywords
flux, heat transfer, heat exchanger, sterilization, refrigeration
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Last update
4/4/2017 11:25:48 AM