Course title
技術企業経営概論   [Technology Corporations]
Course category The Professional Degree Program of Industrial Technology and Innovation  Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year   Semester Spring 
Course type Spring  Course code 1060806
林田 英樹   [HAYASHIDA Hideki]
Facility affiliation Graduate School of Engineering Office   Email address

Course description
Introduction course of Technology Management. Course is consist of 3 modules: Start up companies & Technology, Innovation & Technology, Innovation & Global Management.
Lecture and Class discussion & Group Presentation through typical case are the main driver to help beginners to learn Management.
Lecture covers widely so that pre-reading works of articles is required before attending the class.
Expected Learning
・Knowledge & Comprehension point
(1) Understanding Management overview
(2) Understanding Management of Innovation, Marketing, Organization, Finace, Strategy
(3) Understanding knowledge of analysis tools and framework of Management
(4) Can Analyze & Explain Management issues by applying framework & tools.
・Class Attitude point
Participation in classes discussion & group Presentation through remarks with purpose consciousness and logic
・Skills & expression point
Can incorporate basic knowledge, tools and framework of technology strategy into reports and remarks appropriately and effectively
Course schedule
Module 1
#1 4/7 Guide of the lecture & report Introduction Entreprenurship & Start ups Organization Management
#2 4/14 Start up& Techology Management (1) Growth process modelof Start up company & Business Model Campus
#3 4/21  Start up& Techology Management (2) Strategy of Start up company
#4 4/28  Start up& Techology Management (3) Finance & Valuation of Start up company
#5 5/12  Group Presentation Business model Campus          
Module 2
#6 5/19 Innovation & technology management (1) Technological Strategy Case: Power Semiconductor Industry
#7 5/26 Innovation & technology management (2) Technology Marketing & Open Innovation       
#8 6/2  Innovation & technology management (3) Innovation Management (1)
#9 6/9  Innovation & technology management (3) Innovation Management (2),
#10 6/16 Group Presentation Power Semiconductor industry"     
Module 3
#11 6/23 Innovation & global Management (1) Global Management and Strategy case: OMRON
#12 6/30 Innovation & global Management (2)   Global Management of Global firms  
#13 7/7  Innovation & global Management (3) Global Management of Japanese Companies
#14 7/14  Innovation & global Management (4) Global Innovation & R&D management
#15 7/21  Group Presentation  Case Study: OMRON
Marketing, Finance,
Highly Recommend to take this course before Strategy and Management of Technology Corporations course
Required Text(s) and Materials
NO text book Case will be delivered in advance of lecture.

 Seminar Introduction of Management ver3、Tadao Kagono, Nihon Keizai Shinbun, 2003

Business Model Generation: A Handbook , Game Changers, and Challengers, Alexander Osterwalder, Wiley, 2010、2) Start up Science, Masayuki Tadokoro, NIkkei BP, 2017, 3)Scaling Lean, Ash Maurya, Nikkei BP, 2017,

1) The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail (Management of Innovation and Change), Clayton M. Christensen, Harvard Business School Press 2001,2) Introduction to Innovation Management 2nd version, Hitotsubashi innovation center, Nihon Keizai Shinbun, 2017, 4) Innovation and Entrepreneurship Peter F. Drucker, 2006, Essential Drucker on Technology, ,

1) Introduction to Global management, Kazuhiro Asakawa, Nihon Keizai Shinbun, 2003, 2) Globis MBA Management book II, Globis Management School, Diamond, 2015,3) Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, practices, Peter F. Drucker, 2001
1) Grade Evaluation Criteria: (1) Class Discussion 60%, (2) Report 20%, (3) Group presentation 20%
2)Report evaluation criteria: (1) Degree of comprehension of class contents, (2) Consideration from various angles, (3) Practical implementation, (4)Essay performance, (5) Effort to making Essay
3) Not graded with over 4 times absences of lecture
Message from instructor(s)
I believe that everyone approaches the ideal person that imagined in the young age. Never give up the dream however never stop any efforts. I believe it is important to believe to become true in a someday.
Course keywords
Management, Organization ,Strategy , Marketing, Finance, Global, Innovation, Start up company, Business Model campus Lean startup
Office hours
Needs appointment through e-mail:
Remarks 1
Remarks 2
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Lecture Language
Language Subject
Last update
3/22/2018 5:37:58 PM