Course title
農学基礎ゼミ   [Basic Seminar of Agricultural Science]
Course category Liberal Arts and Fundamental Studies  Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year 11  Semester 1st 
Course type 1st  Course code 01fy1002M
村上 智亮   [MURAKAMI Tomoaki]
Facility affiliation Faculty of Agriculture Office Veterinary Toxicology  Email address

Course description
This course aims to develop minds for knowledge creation and autonomous learning, and is designed as an introductory course for the Liberal Arts and Foundamental Studies. Students will experience different styles of lectures and classes depending on the contents. It consists of two parts.

Part I : Common Intoroductory Program
In this program that is common to all first-year students, students will learn about our university and think how they would pursue their academic life here. The university history and TUAT principals are described as well as our research activities, with the aim of encouraing students to engage in university study and to understanding the importance of desigining their individual univeristy life.

Part II : Faculty-Specific Program
This is a seminar-type lesson for first-year students with a small number of students on a specific theme prepared by the teacher in charge. Breaking away from the passive learning method of accumulation of knowledge that was mainly learned in the course of up to university entrance, learn the self-consciousness of the problem at the university and learn how to study independently. We aim to foster creativity, expression, and communication skills. In addition, I hope that they will interact with faculty members of the Faculty of Agriculture, which goes beyond the disciplines, and learn about the awareness and personality of university students, as well as the basic manners of working as a working adult.
In "Learning from specimens," you will be exposed to the structure and illness of an animal through skeletal and tissue specimens, and what is going on inside the body of a familiar animal and why organisms will become sick. In reports and student presentations, you will deeply investigate and present what you have doubted about them. Think about biology through observations, presentations, and questions.
Expected Learning
1) To understand the autonomous learning in the University, and be able to design individual's academic life at University from broad perspectives.
2)Students have their own problem consciousness and can find a solution.

Competency Development:
Initiative and Autonomy, Leadership and Facilitation, Knowledge Creation, Presentation Skills, Mission-Oriented Research and Problem Solving, Academic Ethics
Course schedule
Part I : Common Introductory Program
1. About the University (I)
Brief history of the University. Talks from the President, the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, and the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering.
2. About the University (II)
Talks from the Heads of the Departments.
3. Studying at the University
Differences between studying at high school and studying at university. Designing your academic life at the University from broad perspectives.
Questioning minds that lead you to the depth of academic study and research
4. Energy-saving and Safety in university life
Global warming and emission of green house gas. Our effort in reducing CO2 emission.
Risk management in laboratories. Your action to ensure own and others' safety. Risks of harmful chemicals and proper ways of their disposal.
5. Research ethics
Code of conduct for research integrity, and scientific misconducts. Falsification, fabrication, and plagiarism are discussed.

Part II : Faculty-Specific Program
6. Orientation, Significance of specimen preparation
7. Observation of skeletal specimen
8. Observation of normal tissue
9. Observation of pathological tissue
10. Presentation method
11.-15. Student presentation, general discussion
Part I:In addition to 10 hours you spend in the class, you are recommended to review the classes spending the standard amount of time as specified by the University for each class, to plan out the courses to take and design how you would pursue your academic activities ahead.
Part II:Review the lesson contents using the study time equivalent to the standard hours of the university in addition to the class time, and plan for future university life and plan the courses to take.
Required Text(s) and Materials
Part I:Handouts and exercise materials are provided during the class
Part II:I will not indicate the especial textbook. If necessary, I will pass out the handouts.
Part I :
・アカデミック・スキルズ 大学生のための知的技法入門 (慶應義塾大学出版会) 佐藤望(編著)、湯川武、横山千晶、近藤明彦

Part II :
I will not indicate the especial textbook. If necessary, I will pass out the handouts.
Part I (25%):Marks are given based on worksheets collected at the end of each class.
Part II (75%):By paper and presentation. You cannot be absent 4 or more times.
Message from instructor(s)
Course keywords
Part I :Questioning mind, Autonomous learning Part II :Anatomy, histology, pathology
Office hours
Part I : It will be announced during the class. Part II :I will guide you in class.
Remarks 1
Please prepare the laptop with PowerPoint software.
Remarks 2
Related URL
Lecture Language
Language Subject
Last update
2/20/2020 1:37:18 PM