Course title
技術企業経営戦略論   [Strategy and Management of Technology Corporations]
Course category The Professional Degree Program of Industrial Technology and Innovation  Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year   Semester 3rd 
Course type 3rd  Course code 1060812
林田 英樹   [HAYASHIDA Hideki]
Facility affiliation Graduate School of Engineering Office afjgxte/L1151  Email address

Course description
Management Strategy consists of Corporate Strategy and Business Strategy. Technology strategy is the part of business strategy. Technology strategy is the highest priority for the munufactureing company due to the establishment of the competitive advantage and sustainable competitiveness. Technology strategy covers total business process so that we should focus on the total business process technology development, but total value chain.
In order to be the new business from the created new technology, it is required to have the concreate technology strategy due to the conversion of the innovation from real corporate value.
That is the reason technology strategy is the key driver of the competitive sustainable growth for the company and how to plan and execution of the technology strategy is the big issue .
Expected Learning
Knowledge & Comprehension point
(1) can distinguish corporate strategy and business strategy
(2) understanding strategy process
(3) knowledge of analysis tools and framework
Thought and judgement point
Can indicate the issues on management strategy, technology strategy, in the real business and analyze multifaceted analysis using knowledge of business/technology strategy and framework and explain that.
Atitude point
Participation in classes discussion through remarks with purpose consciousness and logic
Skills & expression point
Can incorporate basic knowledge, tools and framework of technology strategy into reports and remarks appropriately and effectively
Course schedule
1)With respect to the planning and implementation of technology strategy, necessary knowledge, frameworks, tools etc. are explained associated with case studies.
Corprate strategy and technology strategy: enhance competitive advantage and sustainable growth. Environment Analysis under uncertainty business environment.
Technology strategy planning and execution for the issues of to be.
Technology strategy evaluation
Execution and implementation of technology strategy

2)Discussion of the case company's issue in the technology strategy. Case Discussion has been performed by using acquired knowledge, framework, and analysis tools through the lecture.

#1 10/05 Guide of the lecture & report [Keyword]Management Strategy, Business Strategy, Technology Strategy, Case study: Nintendo
#2 10/12 Fundamenteals of Technology management (1)[Keyword]Business environment analysis、Innovation model,
Case study: Nichia, New business development of white LED
#3 10/19  Fundamenteals of Technology management (2)[Keyword]Competitive Domein, Value Chain, Case study: QB net: QB house
#4 10/26  Technology Strategy(1)           [Keyword]Management Strategy & technology strategy, Technology road map, Case study: Zeon 
#5 10/26   Technology Strategy(2)           [Keyword]Intellectual Property, Alliance, Case study: Toyobo, Dyneema
#6 11/02  Short Summary Fundamentals of Technology management, Case group presentation
#7 11/09  New Busines Creation strategy(1)     [Keyword]Product Development process, PPM, Open Innovation, Case study: Zeon       
#8 11/16  New Busines Creation strategy(2)      [Keyword]Organization structure, Intrapreneur, Innovation Leader,
Case study: Yamato Transport
#9 11/23  New Busines Creation strategy(3)     [Keyword]Value Co-creation, Business model, Business eco-system, Case Study: IBM/Intel
#10 11/30  Technology Marketing strategy
: Customer Value Creation [Keyword]4 Stage of Innonvation, environment analysis, SWOT-TOWS, Case study: Komatsu     
#11 12/07  Technology Marketing strategy
: Core competance [Keyword]core competance, RBV, Case study: Canon
#12 12/14   Technology Marketing strategy
: Market Innovation [Keyword]Product Archtecture, Open & Close, Platform, Case study Apple  
#13 12/21  R&D Project management [Keyword]Stage gate (Phase gate) system Case study: Mitsubishi Heavy Industry
#14 01/11  M&A, Corporate Venture Capital [Keyword]Business Entreneurship, Start-up from University, CVC, Case study: JT
#15 01/25  Sammary & Group Presentaion  [Keyword]Summary of total lecture & group presentaion
Marketing, Finance,
Required Text(s) and Materials
NO text book Case will be delivered in advance of lectute
Hoever, required reading books or papers in the course before attending the lecture.Strongly recommend Pre-reading in the course.
Strategic Management Garth Saloner/Andrea Shepard/Joel Podolny Stanford Univsesity, Graduate School, 2001, Jhon Wiley & Sons, Inc
Strategy Safari , Henry Minzberg, 2009 
Introduction of Management Analysis Hirokazu Ohtsu, Diamonds, 2013
Competitive Strategy as a story Ken Kusunoki, Toyokeizai Inc. , 2010
Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies (Harper Business Essentials) James Collins & Jerry Porras, HarperBusiness,2002
Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating And Profiting from Technology, Henry Chesbrough, Harvard Business School P. 2006
Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant, Chan Kim, & Renee Maubrorgne, Harvard Business School Pr. 20015
Winning at New Products: Creating Value Through Innovation Cooper, Basic Books 2011
M&A of JT Yasushi Shingai, NikkeiBP Inc. 2015
(1) Grade Evaluation Criteria: (1) Class Discussion 60%, (2) Report 20%, (3) Group presentation 20%
(2)Report evaluation criteria: (1) Degree of comprehension of class contents, (2) Consideration from various angles, (3) Practical application performance, (4)Essay performance, (5) Effort to making Essay
(3) Not graded with over 3 times absences of lecture, or lack of Report submittion even one report.
Message from instructor(s)
I believe that everyone approaches the ideal person that imagined in the young age. Never give up the dream however never stop any efforts. I believe it is important to believe to become true in a someday.
Course keywords
Office hours
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Last update
9/23/2019 9:58:07 PM