Course title
生体応用フォトニクス特論Ⅰ   [Advanced Biomedical Application of Photonics I]
Course category courses for the doctral program  Requirement   Credit 1 
Department   Year   Semester 3rd 
Course type 3rd  Course code 125023
岩井 俊昭   [IWAI Toshiaki]
Facility affiliation Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering Office afjgxte/L1151  Email address

Course description
This course provides students with advanced biophotonics on the basis of space-time optical control and sensing technologies. The topics covered are the basis of physical optics and the related phenomena, near field optics, coherence theory, digital holography, and their applications to the biophotonics.
Expected Learning
Students who successfully master this course will be able to:
・Understand physical optics and related phenomena.
・Understand the new research fields, near field optics, coherence theory, digital holography and the related applications to the biophotonics.
Course schedule
1. Introduction to advanced biophotonics
2. Physical optics (I) ?refraction, total internal reflection, diffraction-
3. Near-field optics ?Near field scanning optical microscopy-
4. Physical optics (II) ?interference, coherence theory, digital holography-
5. Optical coherence tomography -Holographic display, optical coherence tomography, and adaptive-optic interferometric fundus examination-
Required Text(s) and Materials
1. C. F. Bohren and D. R. Huffman, Absorption and Scattering of Light by Small Particles (A Wiley-Interscience Publication, New York, 1983).
2. A. Ishimaru, Wave Propagation and Scattering in Random Media (IEEE Press & Oxford University Press, New York & Oxford, 1997).
3. M. Born and E. Wolf, Principles of Optics (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1999 ) Chap. 13, pp.695-734.
4. 小原 寛 他,レーザ応用工学 (コロナ社,東京,1998).
5. 小澤敏彦,小保方富夫,レーザ計測 (裳華房,東京,1996).
6. 徳丸 仁,光と電波 (森北出版,東京,2000).
7. 徳丸 仁,基礎電磁波 (森北出版,東京,1998)
8. 大坪順次,光入門 (コロナ社,東京,2002)
9. 岩井俊昭,光学技術ハンドブック (朝倉書店,東京,2002) 第15章,pp.606-626.
10. 岩井俊昭,レーザーハンドブック(オーム社,東京,2005) II編,第6章,pp.79-91
11. 岩井俊昭,「光散乱計測」,光学,第30巻,第2号,pp.136-143(2001).
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Last update
3/11/2019 6:19:41 PM