Course title
コンピュータ化学   [Computer Chemistry]
Course category technology speciality courses,ets.  Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year 34  Semester 3rd 
Course type 3rd  Course code 023211
富樫 理恵   [TOGASHI Rie]
Facility affiliation Graduate School of Engineering Office afjgxte/L1151  Email address

Course description
This course is held by Rie Togashi, a part-time instructor. This syllabus is subject to change by the faculty member due to lectures.

Computational chemistry based on the molecular orbital theory is one of the effective methods to investigate properties and reactions of wide variety of molecules. This course provides the basics of molecular orbital method to students familiar with elementary topics of quantum chemistry such as Schroedinger equation and wave function. After carrying out some reviews on matrix calculation and variation method, an introduction will be given to Hartree-Fock equation which is the basics of molecular orbital theory. Students will be able to learn more through some simple analyses with molecular orbital calculation software.
Expected Learning
Learners who complete this course will be able to:
(1) Recognize the basic idea(hypotheses, approximations) of Hartree-Fock method and the outline of the molecular orbital calculation process.
(2) Understand the basic operation of molecular orbital calculation software for atomic/molecular simulations
Course schedule
1. Review on mathematics(1) : Some topics in linear algebra (basis, vector, matrix, determinant).
2. Review on mathematics(2) : Operator, matrix representation, change of basis, eigenvalue and eigenvector of matrix.
3. Review on mathematics(3) : Functional and variation, Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers, variation principle.
4. Practice with software(1) : Install of molecular orbital calculation software.
5. Practice with software(2) : Exercise of molecular orbital calculation with small molecular model.
6. Review on quantum chemistry(1) : Schroedinger equation, Hamiltonian, atomic unit.
7. Review on quantum chemistry(2) : Wave function, one electron orbital function, spin function.
8. Molecular orbital theory(1) : Born-Oppenheimer approximation, Slater determinant.
9. Molecular orbital theory(2) : Derivation of Hartree-Fock equation.
10. Molecular orbital theory(3) : Derivation of Hartree-Fock-Roothaan equation.
11. Molecular orbital theory(4) : Self-consistent-field (SCF), procedure of molecular orbital calculation.
12. Practice with software(3) : Review of output from molecular orbital calculation.
13. Molecular orbital theory(5) : Basis set in molecular orbital calculation.
14. Practice with software(4) : Overview of the effects of basis set in molecular orbital calculation.
15. Final examination : All topics on Hartree-Fock method in this course may be covered.
It is important to review elementary quantum chemistry and linear algebra for better understanding of the topics in this course. Students are assumed to have basic skill for operating computer on which practical calculations and modeling/visualization will be performed.
Required Text(s) and Materials
No text is specified.
1.Modern Quantum Chemistry: Attila Szabo & Neil S. Ostlund (Dover).
Some theoretical treatments higher level than Hartree-Fock method are given in this book. Students interested in this area should try this textbook.
2.An Easy Guide to Quantum Chemistry Calculations (New Edition) (Japanese): Tetsuya Taketsugu & Kimihiko Hirai (Kodansha).
Other books will be mentioned in class.
Grading is based on the score of the final examination
Message from instructor(s)
It is not so complicated to execute molecular orbital calculation and visualize the results if you do not make mistake in your molecular modeling and input/output file treatment. However, it is very important to understand the hypotheses and approximations employed in molecular orbital theory, and the methods applied to improve the calculation accuracy if you will apply this method effectively into your research.
Course keywords
Molecular orbital theory, Hartree-Fock method,
Office hours
Contact the following
Remarks 1
Remarks 2
Grading distribution in last three years.
H30(2018) S 14%, A 51%, B 25%, C 10%, D 0%
H29(2017) S 9%, A 46%, B 26%, C 15%, D 4%
H28(2016) S 15%, A 43%, B 32%, C 6%, D 4%
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Last update
2/20/2020 1:08:31 PM