Course description |
Students attend representative lectures at the scientific meeting to acquire the ability to create new concept and innovation
Expected Learning |
Students learn the research skills for hypothesis and experimental setting, approaches, interpretation of results, presentation methods etc. from the researchers leading each scientific field
Course schedule |
Students participate in lectures and symposia etc. (equivalent to 1 credit) at the scientific meeting to acquire the ability to create new concept and innovation. Based on own research topics and progress of research, students choose the appropriate meeting to join to promote own research skills. Students learn the research skills for hypothesis and experimental setting, approaches, interpretation of results, presentation methods etc. from the researchers leading each scientific field. Students participate in lecture and/or symposia more than 15 hours in total and consider the content of those lectures to make use of own research.
Prerequisites |
spending the standard amount of time as specified by the University
Required Text(s) and Materials |
References |
Assessment/Grading |
Report and disuccsion
Message from instructor(s) |
Course keywords |
Office hours |
10:00-17:00 Animal Medical Center
Remarks 1 |
Remarks 2 |
Related URL |
Lecture Language |
Language Subject |
Last update |
10/2/2020 9:37:38 PM