Course title
農学基礎ゼミ   [Basic Seminar of Agricultural Science]
Course category Liberal Arts and Fundamental Studies  Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year 1  Semester 1st 
Course type 1st  Course code 01fy100240
オブライエン 悠木子   [SASSA Yukiko]
Facility affiliation Faculty of Agriculture Office afjgxte/L1151  Email address

Course description
This course aims to develop minds for knowledge creation and autonomous learning, and is designed as an introductory course for the Liberal Arts and Fundamental Studies. Students will experience different styles of lectures and classes depending on the contents. It consists of two parts.

Part I : Common Introductory Program
In this program that is common to all first-year students, students will learn about our university and think how they would pursue their academic life here. The university history and TUAT principals are described as well as our research activities, with the aim of encouraging students to engage in university study and to understanding the importance of designing their individual university life.

Part II : Faculty-Specific Program
Topics is "Fermented food that helps healthy dietary life with less money". The purpose of this course is acquiring the self-motivated study habit.
Expected Learning
1) To understand the autonomous learning in the University, and be able to design individual's academic life at University from broad perspectives.
2) Students dived understanding and not understanding by themselves and chose the key words for study. Students must consult the key words in order to understand the topics and discuss and teach them each other.

Competency Development:
Initiative and Autonomy, Leadership and Facilitation, Knowledge Creation, Presentation Skills, Mission-Oriented Research and Problem Solving, Academic Ethics
Course schedule
Part I : Common Introductory Program
1. About the University (I)
  Brief history of the University. Talks from the President, the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, and the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering.
2. About the University (II)
  Talks from the Heads of the Departments.
3. Studying at the University
  (lecture 1) Identity development and academic life: Challenges experienced in adolescence.
  (lecture 2) Differences between studying at high school and studying at university. Designing your academic life at the University from broad perspectives, with a systematic approach in mind in taking lectures and studying abroad.
4. Our Initiative for Society
  (lecture 1) Global warming and emission of greenhouse gas. Our effort in reducing CO2 emission.
  (lecture 2) TUAT Plastic 5R Campus-Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Renewable, Research. Our teaching and research activities in finding the solutions and educating future generations.
  (lecture 3) Novel Coronavirus Infection: A challenge from 未来疫学(R) (Mirai Ekigaku, literally Future Pathology).
5. Research ethics
Code of conduct for research integrity, and scientific misconducts. Falsification, fabrication, and plagiarism are discussed.

Part II : Faculty-Specific Program
6. What kind of fermented food do you know?
7. Classification, proliferation, and character of micro organisms.
8. Micro organisms that facilitate fermentation
9. Micro organisms that cause food poisoning or deterioration?
10. Critical control point of making fermented food at home, based on scientific logics.
11. Cooking laboratory works 1: Nukazuke (Japanese pickles)
12. Cooking laboratory works 2: Sauerkraut
13. Cooking laboratory works 3: Yogurt
14. Cooking laboratory works 4: Fermented cuisine by using Nukazuke, Sauerkraut, or Yogurt
15. Overview and sensory test
Part I :In addition to 10 hours you spend in the class, you are recommended to review the classes spending the standard amount of time as specified by the University for each class, to plan out the courses to take and design how you would pursue your academic activities ahead.
Part II :Self-learning about topics and join the discussion
Required Text(s) and Materials
Part I :  Handouts and exercise materials are provided during the class
Part II : None
Part I :
・アカデミック・スキルズ 大学生のための知的技法入門 (慶應義塾大学出版会) 佐藤望(編著)、湯川武、横山千晶、近藤明彦

Part II :
Find your favorite recipe book that contains fermented food!
Part I (25%): Marks are given based on worksheets collected at the end of each class.
Part II (75%): Join the discussion and self-lerning, and good taste is high grade.
Message from instructor(s)
Because of COVID-19, income loss is becoming a big problem in Japan. To protect your life, 'small' life is the best defense. Self-catering is indispensable for a 'small' life. If you could use all food without food-loss, you can save money and contribute to environment at the same time. Some fresh food could extend the time until expiring by fermentation. As you are students of the Faculty of Agriculture, you should practice the power of fermentation to have delicious and healthy food without spending money.
Course keywords
Questioning mind, Autonomous learning, fermented food, micro organisms
Office hours
Part I :  It will be announced during the class. Part II :Students could ask lectures during the class hours. Lectures could also answer, when they stay laboratories.
Remarks 1
Remarks 2
Related URL
Lecture Language
Language Subject
Last update
2/17/2021 4:35:33 PM