Course title
線形代数学Ⅱ   [Linear Algebra Ⅱ]
Course category   Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year 2  Semester 3rd 
Course type 3rd  Course code 01ma2003
公文 雅之   [KUMON Masayuki]
Facility affiliation Graduate School of Agriculture Office afjgxte/L1151  Email address

Course description
Linear algebra provides indispensable tools to analyze various mathematical phenomena appearing in engineering. In this course, the notion of a vector space and a linear map between two vector spaces will be introduced. We will learn various basic properties of a basis and the dimension of a vector space, and the image and the kernel of a linear map. We will also learn about an eigenvalue and an eigenvector, for deep understanding of linear algebra.

Masayuki Kumon (a part-time lecturer) will be in charge of this course.
Expected Learning
The goals of this course are
(1) to understand vector spaces, linear maps, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, inner products and diagonalization, and
(2) to be capable of performing their practical calculations.

Corresponding criteria in the Diploma Policy: See the Curriculum maps.
(URL: )
Course schedule
1. Vector spaces
2. Vector spaces and their subspaces
3. Linear independence and linear dependence
4. Maximum of linearly independent vectors
5. Bases and dimensions of vector spaces
6. Linear maps
7. Representation matrices of linear maps
8. Image and Kernel of linear maps
9. Inner products of vectors
10. Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization of vectors
11. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
12. Diagonalization of square matrices
13. Orthonormalization and orthogonal matrices
14. Diagonalization of real symmetric matrices
15. Exercise
Term examination
Knowledge of the course of Linear Algebra I will be used in the lecture.
In addition to 30 hours that students spend in the class, students are recommended to prepare for and revise the lectures, spending the standard amount of time as specified by the University and using the lecture handouts as well as the references specified below.
Required Text(s) and Materials
Miyake Toshitsune, “Nyuumon-Senkei- Daisuu”, Baifu-kan (in Jananese)
Exercise reports (35%), term examination (65%)
Message from instructor(s)
Course keywords
Vector space, Linear map, Linear independence and linear dependence, Basis, Dimension, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Diagonalization of real symmetric matrix
Office hours
Any questions are received by the open E-mail address:masayuki_kumon@[アットマーク]
Remarks 1
Remarks 2
Related URL
Lecture Language
Language Subject
Last update
9/17/2021 4:04:26 PM