Course title
線形代数学Ⅱ   [Linear Algebra Ⅱ]
Course category technology speciality courses  Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year 14  Semester 3rd 
Course type 3rd  Course code 021922
與口 卓志   [YOGUCHI Takashi]
Facility affiliation Graduate School of Engineering Office afjgxte/L1151  Email address

Course description
In this course, the notion of vector spaces and linear maps are introduced. More specifi cally, we will fi rst learn basic propertiesof vector spaces and their bases. Then, we will also introduce the defi nition of linear maps and observe the relation betweenlinear maps and matrices. In particular, the properties of a change of basis will be investigated. Finally, we will learn abouteigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices and their applications.

Takashi Yoguchi (a part-time lecturer) will be in charge of this course.
Expected Learning
The goal of this course is to be capable of:
(1) constructing a basis of a given vector space,
(2) calculating eigenvalues and eigenvectors of square matrices of order 3,
(3) performing diagonalization of square matrices.

Corresponding criteria in the Diploma Policy: See the Curriculum maps.
Course schedule
Google Classroom will be used for quizzes and assignments in each week.

[Google Classroom Code]

1. Vector spaces and their subspaces (pp.63-66)
2. Linear independence and linear dependence (pp.68-73)
3. On the maximum number of linearly independent vectors in a vector space (pp.75-79)
4. Bases and dimensions of vector spaces, the linear span of a set of vectors (pp.81-85)
5. Linear maps (p.87, p.91)
6-7. Representation matrices of linear maps (pp.92-96)
8. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors (pp.98-104)
9-10. Diagonalization of square matrices I (pp.106-110)
11. Inner products, orthogonal systems and orthogonal matrices (pp.112-121 except for Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization)
12. Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization, complex inner products (pp.116-117, p.121)
13-14. Diagonalization of real symmetric matrices (pp.121-126)
15. Review, and Term examination
Knowledge of the course of Linear Algebra I will be used in the lecture.
In addition to 30 hours that students spend in the class, students are recommended to prepare for and revise the lectures,spending the standard amount of time as specifi ed by the University and using the lecture handouts as well as the referencesspecifi ed below.
Required Text(s) and Materials
The same textbook as in Linear Algebra I will be used.
Miyake Toshitsune, “Nyuumon-Senkei-Daisuu”, Baifu-kan (in Jananese)
The term examination, 70%;
Quizzes in Google Classroom, 10%;
Assignments in Google Classroom, 20%
Message from instructor(s)
Some topics introduced in this course may seem abstract and diffi cult to understand at fi rst. However, in fact, they are closelylinked with the topics which we learned in Linear Algebra I. Concrete examples in the lecture or in the textbook will help toimprove your comprehension.
Course keywords
Vector space, Linear map, Basis, Dimension, Eigenvalue, Eigenvector, Diagonalization, Orthogonal matrix
Office hours
It will be announced in the fi rst lecture.
Remarks 1
Remarks 2
Related URL
Lecture Language
Language Subject
Last update
9/29/2021 3:53:54 PM