Course title
微生物生理生態学   [Physiology and Ecology of Microorganisms]
Course category   Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year 3  Semester 1st 
Course type 1st  Course code 01en3020
多羅尾 光徳, 吉田 誠   [TARAO Mitsunori, YOSHIDA Makoto]
Facility affiliation Faculty of Agriculture Office   Email address

Course description
Microorganisms inhabiting in natural environments is quite important in sustaining biogeochemical cycling in biosphere. The course introduces understanding of the microorganisms from the view points of microbial ecology and microbial physiology. The course gives essential knowledge needed for many aspects of bioremediation.
Expected Learning
Students are expected,
1. to understand the relationships between microbial functions and environmental factors and to explain the phenomena by the knowledge of biochemistry and molecular ecology.
2. to acquire creativity to solve environmental problems by using capacities of microorganisms.

Corresponding criteria in the Diploma Policy. See the Curriculum maps.
(URL: )
Course schedule
The course covers the following:

1. Introduction: Why do we need to study Physiology and Ecology of Microorganisms
2. Microbbial rimary production
3. Degradation of organic materials
4. Microbial biomass and its limiting factors
5. Microorganisms in anaerobic habitat
6. Microorganisms relevant to the nitrogen cycle
7. Microbial activities in soil

8. A brief history of mycology
9. Industrial utilisation of fungi
10. Taxonomy of fungi
11. Genetics of fungi
12. Relationship fungi and plants -symbiosis-
13. Relationship fungi and plants -plant pathology-
14. Relationship fungi and plants -decay-
15. Summary and final examination

1回目 イントロダクションーなぜ微生物生理生態学を研究するのかー
2回目 微生物の一次生産
3回目 有機物の分解
4回目 微生物の現存量と支配要因
5回目 微生物の群集構造
6回目 嫌気環境の微生物
7回目 窒素循環

8回目 微生物の進化と多様性
9回目 化学合成従属栄養微生物の代謝
10回目 化学合成独立栄養微生物の代謝
11回目 光合成独立栄養微生物と光合成従属栄養微生物
12回目 極限環境の微生物
13回目 複合微生物系
14回目 微生物代謝の産業利用
15回目 講義のまとめと理解度確認
Having took courses of microbiology, environmental microbiology, biological chemistry are recommended.

- It is desirable to download handouts and summaries and to complete an assignment prior to every class. Completion of assignments are not compulsory, but understanding the class is much harder if not.
- Submitting a questionnaire every class is compulsory.
- Handing assignments, questionnaire in at the end of every class is required.

In addition to 30 hours that students spend in the class, students are recommended to prepare for
and revise the lectures, spending the standard amount of time as specified by the University and
using the lecture handouts as well as the references specified below.
Required Text(s) and Materials
Distributed via the moodle
Materials distributed at the lecture
Brock Biology of Microorganisms 12th edition, Pearson International Edition
Environmental Microbiology 2nd ed., Academic Press
Weekly assignment (20%), Questionary (20%), and final examination (60%).
Instructed at the lecture
Message from instructor(s)

- Questioning mind is indispensable. Students must not follow uncritically what teachers and textbook say, but critical thinking and attitude is required.
Course keywords
Prokaryote, fungi, material cycle, biogeochemistry, bioremediation, environmental biotechnology
Office hours
Weekdays 12:00~14:00
Remarks 1
Remarks 2
Related URL
Lecture Language
Language Subject
Last update
1/6/2022 3:31:02 PM