Course title
産学連携科目(技術経営入門)   [Industry-Academia Collaborative Class (Technology Management Basic Course)]
Course category Liberal Arts and Fundamental Studies  Requirement   Credit 1 
Department   Year 24  Semester 2nd 
Course type 2nd  Course code 020280
熊坂 治, 安村 友紀   [KUMASAKA Osamu, YASUMURA Yuki]
Facility affiliation Graduate School of Agriculture Office   Email address

Course description
Current corporate administration requires technologies not only to be highly advanced but also to acquire revenue and profit which will be invested to the next R&D on the management point of view.
This course utilizes lectures, case studies and group work to learn subject setting, solution process and all the other technology management skill. The following components will be studied.
1. Overview, structure of MOT(Management of Technologies) and its importance
2. External (Macro /Micro) and internal analysis process of corporations
3. Overview and process of corporate vision, business strategy, technical strategy and marketing
4. In-corporate and startup innovation process
5. Risk management from the MOT view
6. Effective process of technology development / product design, and improvement of design the quality
7. Subject setting, group discussion process and practice

The lecturer of this course has the firsthand experiences on technology management in various corporates and will describe actual examples from industry for case-studies, analysis and discussion. In addition, guest speakers from corporates of various marketing areas will join in the discussion to share their experiences.

This course is offered as one of the Scientific General Education courses of the Global Liberal Arts Studies.
Expected Learning
1. To understand the process of subject setting and solution planning
2. To learn how to lead effective conclusions by means of thinking, speaking and discussing self-motivated in the group work

Competency development:
Independently thinking, Self-motivation, Leadership, adjusting skill, Communication, Writing skill, Presentation skill, Subject researching and solving skill
Course schedule
1st day:
#1 Guidance to the technology management: The structure of all lectures will be explained, and the positioning /importance of technology management will be indicated. The history and recent situation of technology management will be explained.
Students must watch and study apx. 90 minutes Video program which is prepared and post in the google classroom before the lecture, in which students and lecturer will discuss.

#2 Corporate analysis framework and engineering strategy: Useful frameworks such as PPM, 3C, SWOT, VRIO, Ansoff, 5F, Japan Management Quality Award, etc. will be explained, and a direction / process to make engineering strategy will be indicated.

#3: Risk management from the view of MOT : Considerable number of quality injustice has been found in manufacturers recently. Risk management to prevent those problems seems to be important. A guest lecturer special to the risk management will explain those for administration, quality and safety.

2nd day:
#4 Planning / practice of technology management strategies and engineers’ marketing: Overview, planning process of technology strategy, selection/ management, organization, considerable points of R&D projects and marketing for engineers will be explained.

#5 Importance of design quality and its improvement: Overview of design quality which affects mostly to the problems in production and market will be explained. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to set design specification, engineering idea creation method TRIZ and quality robust engineering to idealize design parameters will be explained.

#6 Startup and Innovation: Startups and in-corporate ventures are different at such as fund raising, human resources, organization, corporate collaboration. Innovations at all the stage including R&D are required for both startups. A guest lecturer who experienced a startup by himself will explain those especially with the medical field.

3rd day:
#7 Group presentation 1 Electric Vehicle & Mobile Communication Device: Market of Electric Vehicle with the potential huge market and Mobile Communication Device with rapid technical improvement will be researched and those technological strategy will be reported by the group of five members.

#8 Group presentation 2 Regenerative Medicine & Consumer Chemical Product: Market of Regenerative Medicine with coming practice and Consumer Chemical Product such as detergent will be researched and those technological strategy will be reported by the group of five members.
Students are expected to watch prepared video program before the first lecture.
At the group research program, each group decides the members' responsibility and research market trend, size, expecting technology, related companies and their strategies and plan an original strategy either for any virtual company to enter the market or for a certain real company to grow up with apx. 10 hours. 5 hours of preparation and group discussion will be also required.
In addition to 16 hours in the class and the activities described above, students are recommended to prepare for and revise the classes spending the standard amount of time as specified by the University.
Required Text(s) and Materials
Dedicated material will be distributed in the lecture.
延岡健太郎, 「MOT“技術経営”入門」,日本経済新聞社,2006
Grades are given based 40 % on contribution during the classes, 30% on richness of daily reports and 30% on contribution/results of the group work.
Message from instructor(s)
This course supplies overviews and methods to make profit effectively from the technologies.
Those knowledge and experience will be great use for both company employees and startup founders

Course keywords
Technology management, Corporate analysis, Framework, Technical strategy, Marketing, Startup, Innovation, Design quality, Risk management, Case study
Office hours
After each lecture, or send an e-mail to ""
Remarks 1
After each day program, 1hour Q&A time will be prepared.
Remarks 2
Related URL
Lecture Language
Language Subject
Last update
3/7/2022 12:10:44 AM