Course title
環境・材料産業知財戦略論   [Intellectual Property of Environmental Technology and Materials]
Course category The Professional Degree Program of Industrial Technology and Innovation  Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year   Semester 3rd 
Course type 3rd  Course code 1060817
田中 康子, 山田 浩史   [TANAKA Yasuko, YAMADA Hiroshi]
Facility affiliation Graduate School of Engineering Office   Email address

Course description
A cycle, which includes leveraging IPs for business growth and investing the revenue to the R&D to create further IPs, is essential for the business and industrial expansions. To achieve the cycle, a person understanding technology and IP and being capable to make and execute the strategy to leverage the IP for business growth is necessary. In this lecture, we will discuss an IP management strategy taking into account the relations between IPs and business to seek developing an IP personnel. The course syllabus may be subject to variation.
Expected Learning
1.Will understand what an IP is.
2.Will understand relations of IP and business and a role of the IP, and be able to explain those with actual examples.
3.Will be able to think how to leverage IPs for business success depending on the situation taking into account the industrial or its progress.
Course schedule
#1: Orientation
The lecturer will introduce herself and explain the objective, contents and how to proceed the course. IP overview will be shared considering relations between businesses.

#2: IPs around you -1
IP protections on the products or services familiar with the public will be shared.

#3-4: IPs around you -2
IPs covering the products and services familiar with the public will be analyzed/searched by a group. Then each group will discuss and present a role or effective of the IPs.

#5: Trade secret
IP protection as a trade secret (Act Against Unfair Competition) will be introduced, and a difference from the protection by a patent/trademark and pros and cons will be discussed. A risk of information leak will also be discussed.

#6: The 4th industrial revolution and IP
The 4th industrial revolution (AI, IoT, big data) will be shared, and its relations between the IP will be discussed.
#7: Summary of the precedent lectures and discussion

#8: IP Strategy -1(Open-Close, Standardization)
Open-close and standardization strategies will be discussed with some past examples.

#9: IP Strategy -2(Food/material business)
Patent litigations and business expansion to other business area will be discussed with some past examples such as rice cake, non-alcoholic beer, and green tea.

#10-11: IP Strategy -3 (Pharmaceutical business)
Particularity of the pharmaceutical industry and its recent developments, especially in the patent system will be shared. Pros and cons and future of brand drug and generic will be discussed. (Group discussion and presentation)

#12: IP Strategy practice -1
A group will prepare an IP strategy based on a certain theme (TBD).

#13-14: IP Strategy practice -2
Group presentation, feedbacks from the lecturer and others.

#15: Wrap-up
A discussion on what knowledges and skills we need more to leverage IPs to maximize revenue. A report subject will be announced.
Review pre-assignment if any.
Read the reference publications if you are not familiar with the IP system.
Required Text(s) and Materials
Will be up-loaded (distributed) prior to the lecture.
A report (50%) and performance in a lecture (50%) will be evaluated as below. “Report” includes report writing skills, and “performance in a lecture” includes your comments/opinions/suggestions (quality and quantity) in a class and a contribution to the group discussion/work.
S: 90 or up
A: 80-89
B: 70-79
C: 60-69
D: below 60
Message from instructor(s)
The objective of this course is to develop human resource who is capable of establishing an IP strategy to leverage IPs for business benefit and execute the strategy. The human resource needs to know IP systems and consider both IPs and business together. In order to establish and execute the IP strategy to contribute to business benefit, it is important for such a human resource to have an ability to convince top managements.
Through this course, I hope you plan a strategy not only in your mind but also you realize an importance of presentation/facilitation skills to get people involved and lead them to execute the strategy. I wish you a continued success in the future by realizing the above, and hope your success will make the industry successful.
Course keywords
Office hours
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Remarks 2
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Last update
3/29/2022 10:19:36 AM