Course title
毒性学実習   [Practice in Veterinary Toxicology]
Course category   Requirement   Credit 1 
Department   Year 2  Semester Fall 
Course type Fall  Course code 01VN2108
岸本 海織   [KISHIMOTO Miori]
Facility affiliation Field Science Center Office 6-410  Email address

Course description
Observation of tissue sections of normal organs in mammals and birds by the light microscope.
Expected Learning
Students learn microscopic organization of various mammalian and avian organs and their constituent cells.

Corresponding criteria in the Diploma Policy:
See the Curriculum maps.
(URL: )
Course schedule
1. Vascular system
2. Lymph and immune system
3. Digestive system 1
4. Digestive system 2
5. Digestive system 3
6. Digestive system 4
7. Respiratory sytem
8. Urinary system
9. Male reproductive system
10. Female reproductive system
11. Endocrine organs
12. Sense organs
13. Common integument
14. Central nervous system
15. Review and test
Biology, anatomy, histology (lecture), embryology, physiology, biochemistry, and cell biology.
Required Text(s) and Materials
Handouts are distributed.
Sketches (40%), attitude (40%), and test (20%)
Message from instructor(s)
Course keywords
Office hours
Contact me with email.
Remarks 1
This course is taught by a part-time lecturer. Once the employment of the part-time lecturer is confirmed, this syllabus may be modified. In this case, the official version is the modified syllabus.
Remarks 2
Related URL
Lecture Language
Language Subject
Last update
1/27/2023 5:11:18 PM