Course title | |||||
小動物外科学実習・応用編 [Small Animal:Applied Practice in Veterinary Surgery] | |||||
Course category | Requirement | Credit | 2 | ||
Department | Year | 2~ | Semester | Spring | |
Course type | Spring | Course code | 01VN2201 | ||
Instructor(s) | |||||
宇塚 雄次(岩), 岸本 海織, 片山 泰章(岩) [UDUKA Yuuji, KISHIMOTO Miori, KATAYAMA Masaaki] | |||||
Facility affiliation | Organization for the Advancement of Education and Global Learning | Office | Email address |
Course description |
This class teaches general knowledge and concepts about veterinary microbiology. The first part of the classes include history, classification, morphology, structure, function, nutrition, growth mechanism, metabolism, genetics and mutations of the important bacteria in veterinary fields. It also introduces concepts and methods of sterilization, disinfection and chemotherapy for pathogenic bacteria and their infection. The seconc part introduces basics of veterinary virology, including classification, infection, growth, genetics and mutations of the important viruses in veterinary fields. The last part introduces basics of immune systems and vaccines to understad basics of important immunodetection methods. Students learn some basic methods for virus studies, including culture, quantitation and detection of the viruses, in some parts. |
Expected Learning |
Understanding of following subjects; history, classification, morphology, structure, function, nutrition, growth mechanism, metabolism, genetics and mutations, whichever applies to the microbes, of the important bacteria and viruses in veterinary fields, concepts and methods of sterilization, disinfection and chemotherapy for pathogenic microbes and their infection, immune systems and vaccines, virus culture, virus quantitation and detection. Corresponding criteria in the Diploma Policy:(農学部の場合)See the Curriculum maps. (URL: ) |
Course schedule |
1. History of veterinary microbiology and classification of bacteria 2. Morphology, structure and function of bacteria 3. Nutrition, growth and metabolism of bacteria 4. Genetics and gene regulation in bacteria, use of bacteria in molecular biological methods 5. Sterilization, disinfection, and chemotherapy for bacteria and their infections 6. Drug resistance 7. Host-bacteria interaction in infections 8. Definition, structure, and characteristics of viruses 9. Classification and growth processes of viruses(1) 10. Growth processes of viruses (2), interferences and mutations 11. Tissue culture, and growth, detection and quantitation of viruses 12. Infection and transmission of viruses 13. Basics of immunology of infectious diseases 14. Immune responce and diagnosis of virus infection 15. Basics of immunology and vaccines Summery of this lecture *Examination |
Prerequisites |
Knowledge of highschool-level science (especially biology and chemistry) In addition that students spend in the class, students are recommended to prepare for and revise the lectures, spending the standard amount of time as specified by the University and using the lecture handouts as well as the references specified below. |
Required Text(s) and Materials |
Uploaded slides on Moodle and handouts given in the classes. |
References |
Veterinary microbiology (Buneido-shuppan) will be used as a text book. Animal microbiology (Asakura-shoten) can be used as a reference. |
Assessment/Grading |
Based on the exam score. Students who miss equal to or more than 30% of the classes are disqualified for the exam. |
Message from instructor(s) |
Microbiology is a very important subject in veterinary school education. It is involved not only in detection and treatment of microbial infections but in disease prevention and control. Please beprepaired for each class by studying the subjects before and after the classes. |
Course keywords |
microbes, bacteria, virus, infection, host-microbe interaction, immunology, vaccine |
Office hours |
Consult instructors by e-mail ( |
Remarks 1 |
Remarks 2 |
Related URL |
Lecture Language |
Japanese |
Language Subject |
Last update |
1/31/2023 3:38:45 PM |