Course title
Introduction to Charcoal Application   [Introduction to Charcoal Application]
Course category   Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year 4  Semester Fall 
Course type Fall  Course code 01VN4501
平澤 正, 大川 泰一郎   [HIRASAWA Tadashi, OKAWA Taiichiro]
Facility affiliation Faculty of Agriculture Office   Email address

Course description
The Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics deals the basic and fundamental subjects for the practice of Theriogenology. The course aims a detailed understanding of morphology, physiology and artificial assisting in animal reproduction.
Expected Learning
1) Functional morphology in the reproductive organ
2) Reproductive endocrinology
3) Reproductive events from gametegenesis to parturition
4) Reproductive technologies
Course schedule
1. Functional morphology of female reproductive organ
2. Functional morphology of male reproductive organ
3. Reproductive endocrinology I: General introduction of hormones and hypothalamus
4. Reproductive endocrinology II: Pituitary and gonads
5. Reproductive endocrinology III: gonads and placenta
6. Reproductive physiology of the female I: Oogenesis and puberty
7. Reproductive physiology of the female II Estrous cycles
8. Reproductive physiology of the male
9. Mating, fertilization and implantation
10. Pregnancy
11. Parturition
12. Reproductive technologies I: Artificial insemination
13. Reproductive technologies II: Estrus synchronization and embryo transfer
14. Reproductive technologies III: Reproductive engineering
15. Terminal examination (written test)
Students should refer to the lecture slides and textbook in addition to the 15 classes, and prepare and review according to the standard hours off-class studies.
Required Text(s) and Materials
D.E.Noakes, T.J.Parkinson, G.C.W.England "Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics 9th ed." SAUNDERS,2009.
Message from instructor(s)
Course keywords
oogenesis, spermatogenesis, estrus, fertilization, implantation, pregnancy, parturition, animal reproduction
Office hours
Remarks 1
Remarks 2
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Last update
2/24/2023 7:04:51 PM