Course title
家畜形態・生理学   [Animal Morphology and Physiology]
Course category   Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year 1  Semester Fall 
Course type Fall  Course code 01bn1002
横山 岳, 伊藤 克彦   [YOKOYAMA Takeshi, ITO Katsuhiko]
Facility affiliation Faculty of Agriculture Office   Email address

Course description
Organic chemistry is the basics of life science. Originally, organic chemistry began with chemical nature of substances, but now it is extremely important in the field of agricultural and pharmaceutical sciences. At the Department of Applied Bioscience, you can study the basics of organic chemistry over a year and a half. In the course of "Organic Chemistry I", you will learn the nature and chemical reactions of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes.
Expected Learning
Students who take this course are expected to understand the principals in organic chemistry including the following points:

1) Structures of molecules: atoms, molecular orbits, hybrid orbits and covalent bonds.
2) Influence of the electronegativity on covalent bonds.
3) Chemical reaction and electron transfer.
4) Basic rules on organic compounds: nomenclature of organic compounds and name of functional groups.
5) Three-dimensional structure of organic compounds.
6) Transition state and reaction energy.

Viewpoint of diploma policy in this subject:
You will learn a wide range of knowledge and culture that will serve as the foundation for addressing applied biological sciences and related domain issues, and acquire flexible thinking skills.
In order to elucidate the biological phenomena and interactions among living organisms and their coexistence patterns, and to contribute to the sustainable development of humanity, the systematics of specialized fields from the basics to the leading edge of applied biological sciences and related sciences learn.

Corresponding criteria in the Diploma Policy: See the Curriculum maps. (URL: )
Course schedule
# 1 "Significance of learning organic chemistry": After commentary on textbooks and reference books used in this lecture, we will explain the role of organic chemistry in agriculture and the significance of learning.
# 2 "Characteristics of carbon atoms as the leading chemist of organic chemistry": The special properties of carbon atoms played out among the main elements appearing in organic chemistry are explained. To understand this, we learn the concept of atomic structure, orbit, electronic arrangement.
# 3 "Hybrid orbit and chemical bond": Learn about the concept of hybrid orbital and the characteristics of chemical bond centered on carbon.
# 4 "Polarity and acid-base": Learn the relationship between the electron distribution in the molecule of the organic compound, the electron density and the characteristics of the molecule.
# 5 "Branched alkane nomenclature and functional groups": Learn the basics of organic compound nomenclature, name of alkyl group, conformation and configuration.
# 6 "Representation of chemical structure and structure of cycloalkane": To deepen the understanding of conformation and learn the structural properties of cycloalkane.
# 7 Review and examination
#8 "Nomenclature and exercise of organic compounds": Learn naming methods of organic compounds and solve exercises related to nomenclature in accordance with procedures themselves presented in textbooks.
# 9 "Types of organic reactions": Learn the reaction mechanism of addition reaction, elimination reaction, substitution reaction, rearrangement reaction, along with electron transfer process.
# 10 "Reaction and energy diagram": Know the meaning of the reaction energy diagram and explain the mechanism of chemical reaction progress.
# 11 "Reaction of alkene": Focusing on the reactivity of alkene, we explain the development to more diverse chemical reactions.
# 12 "Characteristics and reaction of alkene, alkyne": Radical polymerization, resonance and reaction analysis based on its characteristics are explained.
# 13 "Question and answer": We summarize chapters 1 to 4 of textbooks and explain the viewpoint to comprehensively understand the structure and reactivity of organic compounds.
# 14 Review and examination
# 15 "Summary and examination of lecture": Explain the points of answers to the exercises on organic chemistry.

This course is followed by Organic Chemistry II and then III.
Course conditions, related subjects (information for preparing and reviewing, required study time ) is "based on the standard number of hours of the university".
Required Text(s) and Materials
J. E. McMurry and E. E. Simanek, Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry 7th Ed. 2017
Study Guide and Solutions Manual for McMurry and Simanek's Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry 7th Ed. etc.
The grade will be evaluated in the tests performed at the mid and end of the semester (50% each).
Message from instructor(s)
Organic chemistry is important for both chemists and biologists. For better understanding of the theory in organic chemistry, I recommend the students to read through textbooks before taking class, review, and solve questions in the textbook.
Course keywords
organic compound, chemical reaction, reaction mechanism
Office hours
Questions and comments are acceptable by e-mail.
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Last update
2/21/2023 7:01:49 PM