Course title | |||||
農業経営学 [Farm management] | |||||
Course category | Requirement | Credit | 2 | ||
Department | Year | 1~ | Semester | YearLong | |
Course type | YearLong | Course code | 01bn1005 | ||
Instructor(s) | |||||
草処 基, 山浦 紘一 [KUSADOKORO Motoi, YAMAURA Koichi] | |||||
Facility affiliation | Faculty of Agriculture | Office | 2-209 | Email address |
Course description |
This course provides the opportunity to learn what nucleic acids and protein are and how these molecules regulate gene replication, transcription and translation to proteins, from the viewpoint of the basic principle of self-replication and life maintenance of the life. Learners also study the basics of gene recombination and gene analysis techniques on the basis of the basic principle of molecular biology. |
Expected Learning |
Learner are expected to learn basic knowledges to understand phenomena of the life at molecular levels, and describe these with technical terms by themselves. Corresponding criteria in the Diploma policy: See the curriculum maps. |
Course schedule |
15 periods in total. 1. Introduction of molecular biology 2. Structures and basic roles of nucleic acids and proteins 3. Replication of DNA (1) 4. Replication of DNA (2) 5. Basics of gene expression regulation 6. Transcription mechanism (1) 7. Transcription mechanism (2) 8. Translation mechanism (1) 9. Translation mechanism (2) 10. Gene expression regulation in procaryotes (1) 11. Gene expression regulation in procaryotes (2) 12. Gene expression regulation in procaryotes (3) 13. DNA mutation and repair 14. Development of molecular biology-based gene engineering 15. Summary and Examination |
Prerequisites |
Learning basic biology in advance is helpful. In addition to the lectures in the class, you are recommended to prepare and review the class using the standard amount of time as specified by the university for each class. |
Required Text(s) and Materials |
Handouts are uploaded in Google classroom. |
References |
Bunshi-seibutsu-gaku-no-kiso (Tokyo Kagaku Dojin) [original: Essentials of molecular Biology] Watson idenshi-no-bunshi-seibutsu-gaku (Tokyo Denki Daigaku Shuppankyoku) [original: Molecular Biology of the Gene] Watson kumikae-DNA-no-bunshi-seibutsu-gaku (Maruzen) [original: Recombinant DNA GENES AND GENOMES] Bunshi-seibutsu-gaku-on-tanjo (Shuei Sha) Bunshi-seibutsu-gaku-no-kiseki (Kagaku Dojin) |
Assessment/Grading |
Examination 100%. Note that more than 2/3 of attendance is required for taking the examination. |
Message from instructor(s) |
I hope you enjoy learning basic mechanisms of how the life is maintained by molecules such as DNA, RNA, and proteins. |
Course keywords |
DNA, RNA, protein, replication, transcription, translation |
Office hours |
(Mon-Fri) 10:00〜18:00 |
Remarks 1 |
Remarks 2 |
Related URL |
Lecture Language |
Japanese |
Language Subject |
Last update |
1/4/2023 5:24:09 PM |