Course title
農業微生物学   [Agricultural microbiology]
Course category   Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year 2  Semester Fall 
Course type Fall  Course code 01bn2009
大川 泰一郎, 千年 篤, 山田 祐彰, 岩岡 正博, 東城 清秀   [OKAWA Taiichiro, CHITOSE Atsushi, YAMADA Masaaki, IWAOKA Masahiro, TOJO Seishu]
Facility affiliation Faculty of Agriculture Office   Email address

Course description
[Course objective] This course is designed for students who already learned basic properties of biomolecules such as amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. In this course, students will learn various metabolic pathways in bio-organisms.
[Course synopsis] The course, biochemistry II, provides an overview of metabolic pathways of carbohydrates, lipids and amino acids, and also bioenergetics and regulation of the metabolisms.
Expected Learning
- Understanding aerobic carbohydrate metabolism
- Understanding biosynthetic pathways and metabolisms of lipids and amino acids
- Understanding bioenergetics and regulation of the metabolisms

Corresponding criteria in the Diploma Policy: (B)
Please refer to the curriculum map at the following URL:
Course schedule
Aerobic carbohydrate metabolism (Takashi Tonozuka)
1) Oxidation of pyruvate
2) Citric acid cycle
3) Electron transport chain
4) Oxidative phosphorylation
5) Review and examination

Metabolism of lipids and amino acids / Comprehensive understanding of metabolism (Junki Miyamoto)
6) Introduction
7) Lipids and cell membrane 1
8) Lipids and cell membrane 2
9) Lipids metabolism 1
10) Lipids metabolism 2
11) Nitrogen metabolism 1
12) Nitrogen metabolism 2
13) Energy metabolism 1
14) Energy metabolism 2
15) Conclusions
Completion of Biochemistry I is recommended before taking this course.
Students need to preview and review for an amount of time as indicated in the student guidelines of TUAT, in addition to the attendance of lecture.
Required Text(s) and Materials
Biochemistry (T. McKee and J.R. McKee, McGRAW-HILL, a Japanese edition is from Kagaku Dojin).
References will be shown if needed.
Performance in lecture (10 %) and examination (90 %): 1/3 of total (Takashi Tonozuka)
Performance in lecture (30 %) and examination (70 %): 2/3 of total (Junki Miyamoto)

Past grade distributions
2022: S, 27%; A, 29%; B, 24%; C, 17%; D, 3%
Message from instructor(s)
Many common biochemical processes have been discovered, and the biochemical system has been constructed based on the processes. This lecture provides an overview of major metabolic pathways that occur in cells and bodies. We expect students to take an active approach to understand the common biochemical processes that are specifically observed in our bodies.
Course keywords
energy metabolism, citrate acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, lipid metabolism
Office hours
Questions can be asked after class, or please request an appointment by email.
Remarks 1
Remarks 2
Related URL
Lecture Language
Language Subject
Last update
1/13/2023 10:42:31 AM