Course title
分析科学   [Analytical Science]
Course category   Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year 2  Semester Fall 
Course type Fall  Course code 01bn2010
大山 利男, 野見山 敏雄   [NOMIYAMA Toshio]
Facility affiliation Veterinary Clinic Office 2-416  Email address

Course description
Analytical chemistry is fundamental subject in chemistry. I hope you have planning of analysis, and practice yourselves. The points of this course are 1)base of analytical chemistry, 2)error at measurements, and 3)analytical chemistry for chemical equilibrium in the solution.
Expected Learning
A goal is that you have planning of analysis, and practice yourselves. You learn practical analytical chemistry in this lecture. The short report is written at end of this lecture, every lecture.

Corresponding criteria in the Diploma policy:
See the curriculum maps.
Course schedule
1. what is analytical chemistry?
2-4. error of measurement
5. qualitatative analysis
6. calcuration method for concentration of solution, chemical equilibrium of solution
7. electrolyte solution
8. equilibrium of acid-base solution(1)
9. equilibrium of acid-base solution(2)
10. equilibrium of acid-base solution(3)
11. titration of acid-base solution(1)
12. titration of acid-base solution(2)
13. separation operation and titration of chelating titration
14. review
final test
15. review of the course and explanation of final test
Chemistry at high school is learned already.
Students need to preview and review for an amount of time as indicated in the student guidelines of TUAT, in addition to the attendance of lecture (30 hours).
Required Text(s) and Materials
Rokurou KURODA, Yoshinori SUGITANI, Masami SHIBUKAWA : Analytical Chemistry (in Japanese) Shoukabou
Pecsok,Shields,Cairns,McWilliam:Modern methods of chemical analysis John Wiley & Sons, Inc
The short reports (100points) and test at end of this lecture (200points) are evaluated.
Message from instructor(s)
Learning is pressure, let’s start !
Course keywords
analytical chemistry, qualitatative analysis, quantitative analysis, chemical equilibrium, titration
Office hours
End of lecture or E-mail: fv3473@[at mark]
Remarks 1
Remarks 2
Related URL
Lecture Language
Language Subject
Last update
2/21/2023 6:52:39 PM