Course title
植物生態学   [Plant Ecology]
Course category   Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year 3  Semester Fall 
Course type Fall  Course code 01bn3020
山形 洋平   [YAMAGATA Yohei]
Facility affiliation Faculty of Engineering Office 1-127  Email address

Course description
[Summary] Organisms are composed of various molecules that characterize living organisms. This lecture covers structures and types of macromolecules in living organisms, including nucleic acids, proteins, and glycans. The first part of the lecture covers recent knowledge about the expression of genetic information in nucleic acids. The second part of the lecture covers the biological roles of post-translational modifications of proteins, focusing on the functions and diversity of glycosylation on proteins. The third part of the lecture covers the structure and function of the extracellular matrix, which consists of proteins and glycans.
[Curriculum Positioning] This course is a common department subject, and provides topics based on biochemistry.
Expected Learning
- Understanding the biochemistry of protein and the physiological roles of protein folding.
- Understanding the structures and types of glycans, and also understanding the physiological functions, roles, and their relations to diseases.
- Understanding the major components and physiological functions of extracellular matrix.
Corresponding criteria in the Diploma Policy: (B)
Please refer to the curriculum map at the following URL:
Course schedule
1) Storage of genetic information in the nucleus
2) Epigenetic controls of gene expression
3) mRNA maturation and splicing
4) Protein translation and folding
5) Protein folding and endoplasmic reticulum stress responses
6) Redox control of protein function
7) Basic structure of glycans and its role in protein quality control
8) Diversity of glycosylation in the Golgi
9) Glycan biosynthesis and degradation: Its abnormalities in diseases
10) Functions of glycan in cell-cell interactions
11) Basis of the extracellular matrix
12) Biosynthesis of proteoglycans and its functions
13) Biosynthesis of Hyaluronan and its functions
14) Biosynthesis of Collagen and its functions
15) Function of extracellular matrix in the nervous system
Students need to preview and review for an amount of time as indicated in the student guidelines of TUAT, in addition to the attendance of lecture.
Required Text(s) and Materials
Handouts are provided if needed.
Essential cell biology
Essentials of Glycobiology
Performance in lecture (including mini-tests) (30%) and assignment report (70%)
Message from instructor(s)
We hope that this lecture will help you on your research in the future.
Course keywords
protein, glycan, extracellular matrix
Office hours
Please contact by e-mail.
Remarks 1
Remarks 2
Related URL
Lecture Language
Language Subject
Last update
2/10/2023 11:40:31 AM