Course title
農業資源経済学   [Agricultural and Resource Economics]
Course category   Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year 3  Semester YearLong 
Course type YearLong  Course code 01bn3029
有村 裕   []
Facility affiliation Faculty of Engineering Office   Email address

Course description
In order to understand and control processing operations in food manufacture, phenomena occurred in food manufacturing equipment such as flux of food, balance and transfer for both mass and heat should be comprehended in a quantitative way. This class will learn balance of mass and heat, basic theory of transfer phenomena ( ex. flow, heat transfer, diffusion), kinetics of chemical reaction and sterilization in foods, and fundamental of food refrigeration. In addition, the quantitative risk assessment, which is a typical method for quantitative estimation of food safety, will be also referred. The first half of the lecture will be an overview of the faculty members, and the second half will be a case study in which issues will be set and the solutions will be addressed.
Expected Learning
The goal is to comprehensively learn from the basics to applications related to food manufacturing.
The following individual goals are set.
1) Acquire the idea of improving efficiency in the food manufacturing process.
2) Understand management related to safety, security and food hygiene.
3) Understand the kinetics of sterilization and be able to perform simple sterilization calculations.
5) Explain the principle of food freezing operation.
6) Understand the principle of food risk assessment and be able to calculate simple risks.

Corresponding criteria in the Diploma policy:
See the curriculum maps.

Course schedule
Lesson 1 Outline, Food engineering
Lesson 2 Unit
Lesson 3 Water in food
Lesson 4 Food processing1(Brewing)
Lesson 5 Food processing2(Drink)
Lesson 6 Food processing3(Dairy products, milk)
Lesson 7 Food processing 4 (Processed milk products)
Lesson 8 Food processing 5 (meat products)
Lesson 9 Food refrigeration / food preservation 1
Lesson 10 Food refrigeration / food preservation 2
Lesson 11 Food market theory
Lesson 12 Food processing
Lesson 13 Diffusion (solid, liquid, gas)
Lesson 14 Flow and Rheology
Lesson 15 Summary and Test
Learners are recommended to complete Food Chemistry 1 & 2 and Food Processing.
In addition to the lectures in the class, you are recommended to prepare and review the class using the standard amount of time as specified by the university for each class.
Required Text(s) and Materials
To refer the materials posted in the classroom as possible.
1. T.Yaho “Fundamentals of food enginnering” Korin Publishing,
2. H. Kumagai et al., “Introduction to food enginnering” I&K Corp.,
3. Matsuno & Yano eds., “Food physical chemistry” Kyoritsu Publishing,
4. Committee for revision of food refrigeration technology “The new food refrigeration technology” JSRAE,
5. R. P. Singh & D. R. Heldman, “Introduction to Food Engineering” Academic Press
Test and Reporting assignment: 100%
Message from instructor(s)
It is also an important lecture content as a basis in the manufacturing of food, chemical products, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology. In order to deepen the understanding, we plan to incorporate exercises as much as possible into the lessons. Case studies will be conducted face-to-face. I think that it will help you to understand the contents if you thoroughly review using the assignments.
Course keywords
Water, Heat transfer, Heating, Cooling, Sterilization, Refrigeration
Office hours
After class
Remarks 1
Please check the classroom of this course for changes in class schedules due to the effects of the new coronavirus infection.
Remarks 2
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Lecture Language
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Last update
2/8/2023 9:44:05 AM