Course title
ドイツ語ステップアップ   [Intermediate German]
Course category specialized courses/ major subjects  Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year 34  Semester Fall 
Course type Fall  Course code 02a3675
任 利   [NIN Ri]
Facility affiliation Institute of Global Innovation Research Office   Email address

Course description
Software systems have already been seen everywhere, in which systematic development is essential to develop large scale systems rapidly and securely. In this course, various method in software engineering are introduced.

This class is offered by a lecturer who has a practical experience in industry regarding software development and shows examples in a company.
Expected Learning
- Can explain major software development process models
- Can explain major requirement models
- Can explain major design and test processes

This class falls under the Department of Engineering Diploma Policy (B).
Course schedule
1: Isses in large-scale software development
2: Software development process model
3: Project management (report assignment)
4: Requirement analysis (1)
5: Requirement analysis (2)
6: Software architecture design
7: User interface design
8: Wrap-up in the first-half term. Mid-term Examination.
9: Software module design (1)
10: Software module design (2)
11: Structured programming (report assignment)
12: Software test (1)
13: Software test (2)
14: Software maintenance and re-use
15: Wrap-up in the second-half term. Final examination.
In addition to the 30 hours of class time, students should refer to the distributed lecture materials and reference books and perform preparation and review according to the standard hours of our university.
Required Text(s) and Materials
Pinted materials are used.
Provided by lecturer during the course
Mid-term exam: 40%
Final exam: 40%
Report: 10%
Active participation point: 10%

Active participation point is evaluated based on the attitude of proactive class participation.
Message from instructor(s)
You might imagine that "software development = programming", but programming is only a small portion of the development process. I would like you to understand that it is necessary to consider a wide variety of things in order to complete large-scale and complicated software systems as usable ones and to continue using them.

Also, I hope that the knowledge acquired in this class will be used in "system development experiment" in the second half of the third year and the "graduation research" in the fourth year to establish knowledge. Furthremore, for those who plan to work in the IT industry in the future, it will help to identify their position.
Course keywords
Problem definition, problem solving process, project management, requirement analysis, software architecture design, user interface design, software module design, software test, maintenance, software reuse
Office hours
From 13:00 to 14:30 on Monday. Also, students can contact the chief instructor via e-mail.
Remarks 1
GoogleClassroom: zeymu2y
Remarks 2
Related URL
Lecture Language
Language Subject
Last update
4/2/2023 9:42:02 PM