Course title
中国語ステップアップ   [Intermediate Chinese]
Course category specialized courses/ major subjects  Requirement   Credit 3 
Department   Year 24  Semester Fall 
Course type Fall  Course code 02b2257
蓮見 惠司   [HASUMI Keiji]
Facility affiliation Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering Office 2N404  Email address

Course description
Programming is an essential skill for researchers and engineers to perform data analysis, numerical simulation, and equipment control. In this course, students develop the basic programming techniques in “Computer Programming I & Practices” and learn advanced techniques for data processing, numerical simulation, and image processing required in Biomedical Engineering.
Expected Learning
Learners who complete this course will be able to acquire basic algorithms of data processing, numerical simulation, and image processing and apply these algorithms.
See the Curriculum maps.
Course schedule
1. Introduction
2. Data processing: Variance, Standard deviation, Correlation
3. Data processing: Least squares method
4. Numerical calculation: Error
5. Numerical calculation: Monte Carlo method
6. Numerical calculation: Euler method
7. Numerical calculation: Midpoint method
8. Numerical calculation: Runge-Kutta method
9. Array: Calculation of matrix
10. Array: Cellular automaton
11. Image processing: Image data
12. Image processing: Filter, Labeling
13. Image processing: Color inversion, Image rotation
14. Image processing: Image interpolation
15. Summary

The topics' schedule may change depending on the progress of the course.
Students are recommended to prepare for and revise the lectures spending the standard amount of time as specified by the University.
Required Text(s) and Materials
No textbook is specified. Appropriate materials will be provided.
・「C言語による数値計算入門 解法・アルゴリズム・プログラム」皆本晃弥,サイエンス社(2005)
Evaluation will be based on exercises (50%) and reports (50%) assigned at each class.
Note: Students who have an attendance rate or exercises & reports submission rate lower than 70% will not be eligible for credit. The attendance and exercises & reports submission requirements with rates higher than 70% does not guarantee the passing the course (with a grade of C or higher).
Message from instructor(s)
Course keywords
Office hours
Anytime. Please make an appointment by email.
Remarks 1
In this course, the following software are required.
 ・Text editor: atom
 ・Development environment: Min GW (Xcode if Mac)
 ・Microsoft Excel
 ・Adobe Acrobat Reader
Installation and setting of these software should be completed before the course starts.
Remarks 2
Related URL
Lecture Language
Language Subject
Last update
3/8/2023 6:23:15 PM