Course title
微分積分学Ⅰ   [CalculusⅠ]
Course category specialized courses/ major subjects  Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year 34  Semester Fall 
Course type Fall  Course code 02b3255
金子 弥生   [KANEKO Yayoi]
Facility affiliation Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering Office 8-203  Email address

Course description
Optical technology is essential for modern electronic, IT, and bio industries. In this lecture, students learn the basics of optics and optoelectronics required for researchers and engineers related to optics. The phenomenon and behaviors of light is understood based on the electromagnetism, and the applications are explained.
class code: i5ulm6q
Expected Learning
Students should draw the physical images of light propagating through space and meterials, and can describe them using mathematical equations.
See the Curriculum maps.
Course schedule
1. Electromagnetic theory of light
2. Polarization of light
3. Reflection and refraction
4. Dispersion
5. Interference of light
6. Diffraction of light
7. Semiconductor and light
8. PN junction
9. Light emitting diode
10. Laser diode (1)
11. Laser diode (2)
12. Characteristics of laser diode
13. Photo detector
14. Optical fiber
15. Recent topics
”Students are recommended to prepare for and revise the lecture, spending the standard amount of time as specified by the University.
Required Text(s) and Materials
Reports (30%) and final test (70%)
Message from instructor(s)
Let's enjoy the beauty of light theory !
Course keywords
Light, Electromagnetic theory, Polarization, Laser diode, Light modulation
Office hours
Thursday 13:00-15:00, New building 1, N201
Remarks 1
Remarks 2
Related URL
Lecture Language
Language Subject
Last update
4/5/2023 10:53:39 AM