Course title
微分積分学Ⅰ   [CalculusⅠ]
Course category specialized courses/ major subjects  Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year 14  Semester Spring 
Course type Spring  Course code 02c1314
大津 直子   [OTSU Naoko]
Facility affiliation International Center Office   Email address

Course description
【Aim】 Organic Chemistry is important not only as a basis of organic synthesis but also all the science and technology concerning organic materials which include metabolic biotransformation and electronic property of organic molecules. Organic Chemistry II is a part of Organic Chemistry course which consists of Organic Chemistry I-IV. Organic Chemistry course aims at understanding of fundamentals of organic chemistry.

【Outline】In this lecture, the structures, properties, and reactivity of alkenes, alkynes, alkyl halides, conjugated dienes, and aromatic compounds are discussed. Some of the fundamental concepts in organic chemistry such as “nucleophilic substitution”, “elimination”, “kinetic control and thermodynamic control”, “resonance”, and “aromaticity” are also expounded.
Expected Learning
To understand the structures, properties, and reactivity of alkenes, alkynes, alkyl halides, conjugated dienes, and aromatic compounds and the important concepts related to the chemistry of these compounds.

Corresponding criteria in the Diploma Policy: See the Curriculum maps.
Course schedule
1. The Reactions of Alkenes: The Stereochemistry of Addition Reactions (1)
2. The Reactions of Alkenes: The Stereochemistry of Addition Reactions (2)
3. The Reactions of Alkenes: The Stereochemistry of Addition Reactions (3)
4. The Reactions of Alkynes: An Introduction to Multistep Synthesis (1)
5. The Reactions of Alkynes: An Introduction to Multistep Synthesis (2): Delocalized Electrons and Their Effect on Stability, pKa, and the Products of a Reaction (1)
6. Delocalized Electrons and Their Effect on Stability, pKa, and the Products of a Reaction (2)
7. Delocalized Electrons and Their Effect on Stability, pKa, and the Products of a Reaction (3)
8. Summary of the first half
Mid-term Examination
9. Substitution Reactions of Alkyl Halides (1)
10. Substitution Reactions of Alkyl Halides (2)
11. Elimination Reactions of Alkyl Halides ? Competition between Substitution and Elimination (1)
12. Elimination Reactions of Alkyl Halides ? Competition between Substitution and Elimination (2): Reactions of Alcohols, Ethers, Amines, Thiols, and Thioethers (1)
13. Reactions of Alcohols, Ethers, Amines, Thiols, and Thioethers (2)
14. Reactions of Alcohols, Ethers, Amines, Thiols, and Thioethers (3)
15. Summary of the last half
Final Examination
Students who want to take this course must take Organic Chemistry I in advance.
Required Text(s) and Materials
Paula Y. Bruce, “Organic Chemistry 7th Edition”
Midterm examination (50%) and final examination (50%).
Questions are designed to assess the understanding of and the ability to explain the topics dealt in the lectures.
The results in the 2021 academic year for the whole class is as follows: S (6%)、A (22%)、B (28%)、C (38%)、D (6%).
Message from instructor(s)
Course keywords
Office hours
Koganei campus, Building 4, Room 231, 16:00-17:00 on every Thursday
Remarks 1
Classcode of Google Classroom is "2h7lqzy".
Remarks 2
Related URL
Lecture Language
Language Subject
Last update
1/6/2023 2:24:23 PM