Course title
山地保全学   [Mountain Conservation Engineering]
Course category specialized courses/ major subjects  Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year 14  Semester Fall 
Course type Fall  Course code 02l1102
土屋 俊幸, 朝岡 幸彦, 高橋 美貴, 竹本 太郎, 中島 正裕, 澤 佳成, 榎本 弘行   [TSUCHIYA Toshiyuki, ASAOKA Yukihiko, TAKAHASHI Yoshitaka, TAKEMOTO Taro, NAKAJIMA Masahiro, SAWA Yoshinari, ENOMOTO Hiroyuki]
Facility affiliation Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering Office   Email address

Course description

In the basic chemistry, students will learn the foundation for studying biotechnology, based on the chemistry learned in high school. As a universal education subject, this lecture focuses on the concept of chemical bonds, the structure of atoms, atomic orbitals, and molecular orbitals, and the concept of unifying the molecular structure, three-dimensional structure, physical properties, and reactivity of various molecules.

Students will learn about the concept of atomic orbitals and molecular orbitals, the mechanism of chemical bonds formation, their correlation with physical properties, and their reactivity based on the textbooks. In each class, exercises will be conducted to help understanding the class. The exercises at the end of the chapter should be useful for own review. The technical terms will be present in both Japanese and English.
All students MUST sign up the google classroom (raubv34).
Expected Learning
To understand atomic orbitals, valence bond theory, molecular orbital theory.
To obtain an ability to discuss the relationships between the molecular structures and their physicochemical properties from the viewpoints of molecular orbital theory.
Course schedule
Course schedule: Chapter 1-5 in Organic Chemistry by Wade 7th edition.
2:Atomic Structures
3:Chemical bonds
4:Molecular representations
5:Acid-base reactions
6:Atomic orbitals and molecular orbitals(1)
7:Atomic orbitals and molecular orbitals(2)
8: Summary of 1-7,
9:Physicochemical properties of organic compounds
10:Structures of organic compounds
11:Conformations of organic compounds(1)
12:Conformations of organic compounds(2)
13:Chemical reaction(1)
14:Chemical reaction(2)
15:The final exam:covers materials in session 1-14

Some lectures may be held in online. In this case, all students will receive the announcement before the lecture.
Each homework should be submitted from Google class room (u4vhkf5) as a pdf file.
This course will be a base for students to study the following higher level courses such as Bioorganic ChemistryI and II, Medicinal Chemistry, Biochemistry I and II, Bioanalytical Chemistry and Bioinorganic Chemistry.
Required Text(s) and Materials
Organic Chemistry 7th Ed. L. G. Wade, Jr. Maruzen (Japanese edition)
Please sign up the google classroom (u4vhkf5).
Solution Manural for Organic Chemistry 7th Ed. L. G. Wade, Jr., J. Simek, Maruzen
The final grade will be scored by homework (30%), final exam (70%).
Message from instructor(s)
Life is constituted of chemicals. Life phenomena can be understood by chemical reactions. Chemistry is a fundamental subject in studying biotechnology. The students are assumed to have knowledge of high school chemistry. The students are supposed to review by themselves after each class, and the end-of-chapter problems should help to understand. Learning the concept of "chemistry", students will be able to enjoy and notice the beautiful life phenomena. Please do your best.
Course keywords
Atoms, molecules, compounds, atomic orbitals, molecular orbitals, chemical bonds, molecular structures, structures of organic compounds, acids and bases, stereoisomers
Office hours
17:00~ on Mondays, Please make an appointment by e-mail ( before visiting.
Remarks 1
Remarks 2
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Lecture Language
Language Subject
Last update
4/10/2023 2:22:46 PM