Course title
動物環境生理学   [Animal Environmental Physiology]
Course category specialized courses/ major subjects  Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year 24  Semester Fall 
Course type Fall  Course code 02m2575
赤坂 宗光, 小池 伸介   [AKASAKA Munemitsu, KOIKE Shinsuke]
Facility affiliation Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering Office   Email address

Course description
Based on the knowledge that students obtained with Thermal engineering I, they learn Thermodynamics in more detail.
Understand thermodynamic properties without the ideal gas assumption
Understand Joule-Thomson effect
Understand thermodynamic cycle with phase change of working material
Expected Learning
Students need to
(1) Understand thermodynamic properties without the ideal gas assumption
(2) Understand Joule-Thomson effect
(3) Understand thermodynamic cycle with phase change of working material
Course schedule
1. Review of thermal engineering I
2. Helmholtz free energy
3. Gibbs free energy
4. Maxwell relations 1
5. Maxwell relations 2
6. Joule-Thomson effect
7. Combustion temperature
8. Midterm review
9. Phase change
10. Isothermal process with phase change
11. Constant pressure or constant volume process with phase change
12. Thermodynamic cycle 1
13. Thermodynamic cycle 2
14. Thermodynamic cycle 3
15. Summary
Students are recommended to prepare for and revisethe lecture, spending the standard amount of time asspecified by the University.
Required Text(s) and Materials
Reference books are introduced in the first lesson.
Midterm test 50% and Final test 50%.

For the case of online class
The rate of evaluation is
as follows: Normal score + quizzes and assignment test: 50%, and online test:
Message from instructor(s)
Course keywords
Office hours
12:00-13:00@BASE room121
Remarks 1
Remarks 2
Related URL
Lecture Language
Language Subject
Last update
2/16/2023 11:04:03 AM