Course title
地域環境社会学   [Environmental Sociology]
Course category specialized courses/ major subjects  Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year 34  Semester Fall 
Course type Fall  Course code 02m3561
大里 耕司   [OSATO Koji]
Facility affiliation Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering Office   Email address

Course description
Heat transfer engineering is a basis of energy transport. In this course, following "Heat Transfer I," heat transfer with forced convection, heat transfer with natural convection, and turbulent heat transfer are explained in detail.
Class code of Google Classroom: qizel5c
Expected Learning
Corresponding criteria in the Diploma Policy: See the Curriculum maps.
Course schedule
The course is designed as follows:
Week 1 Applications of heat transfer engineering
Week 2-3 Heat transfer on a flat plate with laminar forced convection: Velocity and temperature profiles in boundary layer
Week 4-5 Heat transfer on a flat plate with laminar forced convection: Local and mean heat transfer coefficients
Week 6-7 Heat transfer on a flat plate with laminar forced convection: Colburn's analogy
Week 8 Heat transfer with laminar forced convection in pipe: Governing equations
Week 9 Heat transfer with laminar forced convection in pipe: Profiles of heat transfer coefficient for different thermal boundary conditions
Week 10 Heat transfer with natural convection: Governing equations
Week 11-12 Heat transfer with natural convection: Analysis of flow over heated vertical plate
Week 13 Heat transfer with natural convection: Cases of the other geometries
Week 14-15 Turbulent heat transfer: Turbulent boundary layer, examination
Knowledge of fundamental mathematics and physics is required. It is assumed that "Thermal Engineering I" and "Heat Trasnfer I"are already finished. It is preferable to take "Thermal Engineering II" in parallel.
Required Text(s) and Materials
S. Mochizuki and A. Murata, Fundamental Heat Transfer Engineering, Nisshin Syuppan (in Japanese)
Evaluation is based on report assignments (a few times) and final examination. Detail is explained at first class.
Message from instructor(s)
In order to study "Heat transfer", understanding of various subjects is required. Therefore, you should try to take lectures in varaiety of fields.
Course keywords
Heat transfer, Forced convection, Natural convection, Laminar flow, Turbulent flow, Boudary layer
Office hours
Tuesday 16:30-17:30
Remarks 1
When on-line lecture style is taken, evaluation is based on quiz and maybe on report assignments. Attendance more than 50% is required for getting the credit though the attendance itself is not considered in grading. Detail is explained at first class.
Remarks 2
Related URL
Lecture Language
Language Subject
Last update
4/3/2023 10:43:37 AM