Course title
育林学実習   [Practice on Silviculture]
Course category general education courses  Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year 34  Semester Fall 
Course type Fall  Course code 02t0200
中牟田 信明(岩), 柴田 秀史, 山本 欣郎(岩)   [NAKAMUTA Nobuaki, SHIBATA Hideshi, YAMAMOTO Yoshio]
Facility affiliation Veterinary Clinic Office   Email address

Course description
The recent Russian invasion into Ukraine is further driving the dominant idea that military threats can only be countered by increasing military power. However, efforts bave been made in various fields of studies to identify the limitations and problems with the logic of power and to seek for alternative ways to construct peace. In this class we will look at different approaches to violence, order and justice in international relations and explore links between our daily life and wars.
Expected Learning
To understand major strands of international relations as well as critical approaches to the issues related to wars, peace and security. To develop critical thinking on the links between our daily lives and wars and international peace.
Course schedule
"1. Introduction
2. The sovereign state system and wars
3. International laws and systems for peace
4. Democracy and peace
5. Nationalism and wars
6. Structural violence and positive peace
7. What is security?
8. Reconsidering ""peace"" of Japan
9. Histories and memories of wars
10. The ""comfort women"" issue
11. Gender and security
12. Refugees
13. Militarization in daily life
14. Militarization in daily life
15. Concluding discussion"
In addition to 30 hours in classes and time required for completing assignments, students are recommended to prepare for and review the lectures, spending the standard amount of time as specified by the University [TUAT] and using the lecture handouts as well as the references.
Required Text(s) and Materials

Term paper (50%) and comments and contributions to the class (50%)
Message from instructor(s)
Course keywords
International relations, security, militarization
Office hours
After class
Remarks 1
Remarks 2
Related URL
Lecture Language
Language Subject
Last update
1/29/2023 10:12:53 PM