Course title
樹木学実習   [Practice on Forest Dendrology]
Course category general education courses  Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year 14  Semester YearLong 
Course type YearLong  Course code 02t0247
山本 欣郎(岩), 柴田 秀史   [YAMAMOTO Yoshio, SHIBATA Hideshi]
Facility affiliation Field Science Center Office   Email address

Course description
This course aims to cultivate learners' abilities to communicate and manage tasks cooperatively with peers and collaborators from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Students first learn the theoretical background of intercultural communication and then apply the knowledge in a variety of intercultural communication contexts, namely linguistic and social approaches, science and technology, and research activities. Students will acquire the understanding and skills necessary to practice intercultural communication in scholarly activities.

The course is offered in English as one of the multidisciplinary courses in Global Integrated Studies. It includes several discussion sessions and a presentation opportunity.

【Google Classroom Code:】
Expected Learning
1. To understand the theoretical background of cross-cultural communication and to deepen the awareness of one's communication and cultures.
2. To understand the diversity of society through analyzing the use of language
3. To explain Japanese science and technology to people from abroad in fundamental Japanese and English.
4. To recognize cultural influences in the ways in which scientific research is interpreted or conducted, and to be able to describe own views and ideas appropriately in such contexts

Competency development:
Global Awareness, Communication, Presentation
Course schedule

Theoretical Background of Cross-Cultural Communication (Yukiko HORIKIRI)
1. (10/3) Guidance
2. (10/10) Communication theory and influential factors
3. (10/17) Background of cross-cultural studies and conflict

Approaches from linguistic, cultural, and social perspectives (Tomoko HONGO)
4. (10/24) Introduction: Analyzing the characteristics of the Japanese Language
5. (10/31) High context culture / low context culture
6. (11/7) The origins and use of the Japanese writing system as a cultural innovation
7. (11/14) Significance of multimodal communication

Scientific and Technological Communication with People from Abroad (Tatsuo NOMA)
8. (11/21) Discussion on the relationship between traditional Japanese technology and advanced technology. Grouping and selection of presentation topics
9. (11/28) Preparation of Group Presentation
10. (12/5) Group Presentation

Cultural Differences Found in Scientific Research Activities (Yuki YASUMURA)
11. (12/12) Early modern science and Christianity
12. (12/19) Public acceptance of the theory of evolution
13. (1/16) Cultural differences found in research laboratories
14. (1/23) Working with international research collaborators

15. (1/30) Coursework
In addition to 32 hours in the class and the time required to make preparations for group presentations and individual written reports, students are recommended to prepare for and revise the classes spending the standard amount of time as specified by the University.
Required Text(s) and Materials
Handouts will be distributed in each lecture.
Holliday, A., Hyde, M., and Kullman, K. 2021. Intercultural Communication, Routledge Applied Linguistics
Kramsch, C. 1998. Language and Culture, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Olteanu, A . 2018. Multiculturalism as Multimodal Communication, Springer International Publishing
Participation in discussion (45%): Students will be evaluated on their proactiveness, collaboration, speaking up, cooperation in research, and ability to understand and develop the content of the class correctly.
Reaction papers (25%): Students will be evaluated on whether they correctly understand the class content, communicate it objectively, and develop their ideas.
Presentation (15%) : Students will be evaluate for their ability to create scientific presentations with a collaboration of the participants.
Written report (15%) : Students will be asked to describe how social culture has influenced scientific activities with examples. The work is assessed based on how objectively it is described including various perspectives.
Message from instructor(s)
Your active participation in discussions is expected.
Course keywords
Intercultural Communication, multimodal communication, research activities in the global settings
Office hours
Please ask questions during and/or after the class.
Remarks 1
Remarks 2
Related URL
Lecture Language
Language Subject
Last update
2/20/2023 10:12:35 AM