Course title
発生学   [Veterinary Embryology]
Course category   Requirement   Credit 3 
Department   Year   Semester Spring 
Course type Spring  Course code 02t8847
柴田 秀史, 瀧上 周   [SHIBATA Hideshi, TAKIGAMI Shu]
Facility affiliation Faculty of Agriculture Office   Email address

Course description
We deal with some physics topics that are important in energy engineering. The topics include electromagnetic waves (or light) and energy, charged particles in electromagnetic fields, radiation physics, nuclear engineering, thermal engines, and heat pumps.
Expected Learning
1. To understand the key challenges for the development of energy engineering and the related basic physical concepts.
2. To understand the thermodynamic principles of thermal engines and heat pumps, as well as their practical applications.
3. To understand the principle of electromagnetic waves, their propagation and their interaction with matters, which are relevant to energy generation and energy harvesting.
4. 4. To understand the fundamental properties of atomic nuclei and radiation, and their applications to nuclear power.
5. To understand the interaction of different types of radiation with matter, including biological and environmental effects as well as medical and industrial applications.

Course schedule
1. Guidance and Introduction: “Energy and Challenges for Zero Carbon Society”
Introductions about the subject relevance with the global challenges that need to be overcome will be elaborated.


2. Basics of Thermal Cycles
Laws of thermodynamics will be reviewed, and thermodynamic cycles will be explained particularly the Carnot cycle.

3. Atkinson Cycle, Rankine Cycle, Co-generation
To understand the mechanisms to convert heat to power through thermal engines. Thermodynamic cycles and systems currently relevant to everyday life will be elaborated, particularly the Atkinson Cycle, Rankine cycle, and co-generation process.

4. Heat pumps
To understand the mechanism to transfer heat from lower to higher temperatures. Various heat pumps will be explained, including compression and thermally driven heat pumps.


5. Electromagnetic Energy
Maxwell`s law, its components (Gauss`s law, Faraday`s law, Ampere`s law, and Lenz`s law), and its consequence for electromagnetic energy will be reviewed.

6. Light-Matter Interactions
Basic concepts of light-matter interactions will be elaborated, including the photoelectric effect, concepts of photons, excitons, and plasmons, as well as light absorption, reflection and refraction by matters.

7. Photovoltaics
The principles of solar cell operations will be explained, including their structures, working mechanisms, various efficiency concepts and equivalent circuits.

8. Advanced Photovoltaics
Various advancements in photovoltaic systems and materials will be explained. These include multijunction solar cells (e.g. tandem solar cells), emerging thin film, quantum dot, organic and hybrid perovskite solar cells. The difference in the working principles will be elaborated.

9. Charge and Atomic Motion in Matter
Basic principles of the charge and atomic motion in solid-state materials relevant to energy-harvesting device developments will be reviewed. These include the concept of phonon, polaron, vibronic, Boltzmann transport, and thermal conductions.

10. Energy Harvesting: Thermoelectric and Triboelectric
Recent advances in some emerging energy harvesting technology will be explained. These include thermoelectric, where students will also learn the concepts of Seebeck, Peltier, and Thomson effects. Some examples of triboelectric devices will also be explained.

11. Motion Energy --> Electric Energy
The working principles of electric motors and generators will be explained. These also include the relevant topic of creating more efficient motors, including linear motors, superconducting, and magnetic materials.

12. Physics of Energy Storage
Advancements in energy storage devices will be explained mainly from the physical perspective. These include the working principle of electric double layer supercapacitors, battery, storage by phase-change materials, and mechanical means (e.g. flywheel).


13. Basics of Nuclear Properties
An overview of basic nuclear physics concepts will be given, including the nature of high-energy charged particles, photons and neutrons, and radioactive decays of radioisotopes.

14. Interaction of Radiation with Matter (I)
The interaction of different types of radiation with matter will be explained in detail, for the slowing-down process of charged particles and stochastic attenuation of photons.

15. Interaction of Radiation with Matter (II)
The interaction of neutrons with matter will be explained, including nuclear reactions and activation. Exotic particles such as positrons and muons will be described. Chemical reactions due to radiation will also be a topic.

16. Measurement of Radiation & Biological Effects of Radiation
Techniques of radiation measurement will be described, showing different types of detectors based on the knowledge of the interaction of radiation with matter. The biological and medical effects of radiation will be the theme of the latter half of the lecture, following a detailed explanation of the radiation dose units.

17. Structure and Stability of Nuclei
Lecture on the basics of nuclear physics. Nuclear structure and stability will be discussed with the liquid-droplet and shell models, together with Einstein’s equivalence principle, which relates the mass defect with the nuclear binding energy.

18. Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Power
The principle of power generation using nuclear fission reaction will be described with an overview of different types of nuclear reactors and engineering techniques. Environmental issues of radioactive wastes and contamination after nuclear accidents will also be discussed.

19. Nuclear Fusion and the Energy of the Sun
Nuclear fusion is a great source of energy of the shining sun. Human efforts to create an artificial sun will be reviewed, with its principle and technological challenges. Magnetic confinement of charged particles in plasma will also be discussed.

20. Accelerator Science & Use of Radiation
Accelerators can produce highly energetic radiation. Principles and applications of different types of accelerators will be described. The students will also learn how radiation and radioactivity find their useful applications in industry, agriculture, medicine etc
Required Text(s) and Materials
Handouts and materials are given on or before the lectures
Participation in discussions and exercises during the lecture, and quizzes (or reports)
Message from instructor(s)
Course keywords
Electromagnetic energy, light-matter interaction, carrier motion, Radiation physics and nuclear engineering, Thermal engines and heat pumps
Office hours
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Last update
4/24/2023 12:24:17 PM