Course title
農業環境工学実習   [Practice on Agricultural Environment Engineering]
Course category specialized courses/ major subjects  Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year 14  Semester Fall 
Course type Fall  Course code 02u1406
木﨑 景一郎(岩), 渡辺 元   [KIZAKI Keiichirou, WATANABE Gen]
Facility affiliation Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering Office   Email address

Course description
Natural laws in chemistry and physics are written by mathematics.
Mathematics will provide very useful tools to solve many important and interesting problems in chemistry and physics.
In this lecture. basic principles of mathematics are introduced, and then applications to chemistry and physics are clearly explained.
The lectures include differential and integral calculus, series expansions, differential equations, linear algebra, and some advanced topics.

Google Classroom
Class Code: 7qh7tpj
Expected Learning
Students are expected to understand the following basic principles of mathematics,
(1) Concept of vector, differential, and integral,
(2) Solving a Simple Differential Equation,
(3) Simple matrix operation,
and to understand how to apply mathematics to Mechanics, Electromagnetism, and others in Chemistry and Physics.
Corresponding criteria in the Diploma Policy: See the Curriculum maps.
Course schedule
No.1 Purpose and procedure of this lecture. Definition of vectors.
No.2 Basic topics of vectors, coordinate representation of vectors.
No.3 Differentiation and equations of motion.
No.4 Taylor expansion.
No.5 Partial and total derivatives.
No.6 Indefinite integral.
No.7 Coordinate transformation of microelements.
No.8 Kinetic energy of a rotating object
No.9 Introduction to differential equations.
No.10 Applications of differential equations(1).
No.11 Applications of differential equations(2).
No.12 Matrices and determinants.
No.13 Eigenvalue and eigenvectors(1).
No.14 Eigenvalue and eigenvectors(2).
No.15 Summary(final exam)
Basic knowledge of mathematics learned in high school is necessary.
Students are recommended to prepare for and revise the lecture, spending the standard amount of time as specified by the University and using the lecture handouts as well as the references specified below.
Required Text(s) and Materials
香取眞理・中野 徹 著「物理数学の基礎」2001年(サイエンス社)ISBN 4-7819-0981-7
Reference books are introduced in the first lesson,
(1)Small quizzes at the beginning of the lecture
・Review the problems in the lecture content from the previous week.
・2nd to 14th lectures. 13 times in total.
・1 % x 13 times = 13%

(2)Issues after the lecture
・Review questions of the lecture contents of this week.
・Evaluate the content of the submission.
・1st to 14th lectures. 14 times in total.
・3 % x 14 times = 42 %

(3)Final examination
・45 %

Total 100% = 100 points. Pass with 60 points or more.
Message from instructor(s)
Course keywords
differential and integral calculus, series expansions, differential equations
Office hours
On demand.
Remarks 1
Remarks 2
Related URL
Lecture Language
Language Subject
Last update
3/7/2023 12:54:13 PM