Course title
森林生産システム学実習   [Practice on Forest Engineering Systems]
Course category specialized courses/ major subjects  Requirement   Credit 2 
Department   Year 14  Semester YearLong 
Course type YearLong  Course code 02u1412
古谷 哲也, 谷口 隆秀   [FURUYA Tetsuya, TANIGUCHI Takahide]
Facility affiliation Institute of Agriculture Office   Email address

Course description
Classroom code:

We will consider "Equilibrium" and "Change (rate)" and analyze the related phenomena, with also study about apparatus and operation systems.
Expected Learning
Student will learn and understand about the rules of "Equilibrium" and "Change (rate)"
Course schedule
Teaching :
1 - 8. Prof. Inasawa
9 - 15. Prof. Takiyama

1. What is Chemical Engineering ?
2. Materials balance: : Calculation method
3. Energy balance: Calculation method
4. Fluid flow (Mass and energy balance)
5. Fluid flow (Reynolds number, friction)
6. Heat transfer (Conduction)
7. Heat Transfer (Convection, radiation and heat exchange)
8. Mid-term exam.
9. Advanced introduction of Chemical Engineering (Phenomena and mathematics)
10. Mass/Material balances in chemical processes
11. Separation of liquid and gas at an equilibrium (phase diagram)
12. Separation process (Distillation)
13. Liquid-liquid equilibrium (Phase diagram for multi-components)
14. Separation process (Extraction)
15. Final exam.
15. Examination
Required Text(s) and Materials
Basic Chemical Engineering (in Japanese) by K. Hashimoto, Kagaku Dojin (2012)
Midterm and final exams 80%, reports and short quiz in classes 20%.
Delay or absence will decrease your grade points.
S: 90 points and above, A: 80 - 89 points, B: 70 - 79 points, C: 60 - 69 points , D: below 60 points
Message from instructor(s)
Course keywords
Materials-, momentum-, and heat transfers, Reaction engineering, Separation process
Office hours
Monday 12:00-13:30
Remarks 1
Remarks 2
Related URL
Lecture Language
Language Subject
Last update
2/21/2023 11:37:49 AM