Course description |
Succeeding Computer Science Seminar I, each student has his/her own topic of research. Students will present their problems, ideas for solutions, results of experiments and considerations to other students and professors, discuss with them and improve their ideas.
Expected Learning |
They will learn how to make research, how to present the work, how to write papers and patents.
Course schedule |
Students present the progress of their researches at every meeting with advisor, monthly meeting for longer time and before external presentations or publishing papers. They must answer questions and comments and often advised for further progress.
Prerequisites |
Required Text(s) and Materials |
References |
Assessment/Grading |
Evaluation is made based on the progress of the research, presentations and publications made by students.
Message from instructor(s) |
Course keywords |
Office hours |
Remarks 1 |
Remarks 2 |
Related URL |
Lecture Language |
Language Subject |
Last update |
4/7/2023 5:52:03 PM