Course description |
In this course, students will develop research plans or conduct feasibility studies with researchers in the collaborative research organizations, by making use of their specialized and interdisciplinary knowledge as well as their experience acquired in the Biomedical Innovation Specialty Courses, Biomedical Innovation Strategy Courses, and Biomedical Innovation Seminar.
Expected Learning |
The goal is to create research themes and concepts that lead to new industries.
Course schedule |
Prerequisites |
Students are recommended to prepare for and revise their research subjects, spending the standard amount of time as specified by the University and using the handouts as well as the references specified below.
Required Text(s) and Materials |
Appropriate instructions will be provided whenever needed.
References |
Appropriate instructions will be provided whenever needed.
Assessment/Grading |
Evaluation will be made from discussions, presentations, etc. with researchers or developers in the collaborating institutions.
Message from instructor(s) |
Course keywords |
Office hours |
On demand.
Remarks 1 |
Remarks 2 |
Related URL |
Lecture Language |
Language Subject |
Last update |
5/17/2023 10:33:18 PM