Course description |
A student will conduct experiments with respect to his/her research project on environmental engineering, environmental microbiology, and microbial ecology.
Expected Learning |
A student acquires the abilities to design an experiment according to his/her research hypothesis, to safely and effectively conduct the experiment, and quantitatively and systematically analyze the results.
Course schedule |
A student regularly receives supervision from his/her instructor. A student is asked to summarize experimental results and discuss the impact and future perspective of the research. In addition, a student will be trained with skills to rebut and discuss issues through questions and answers concerning his/her research topic.
Prerequisites |
Not specifically.
Required Text(s) and Materials |
Not specifically.
References |
If necessary, a student will be notified about a recommended textbook.
Assessment/Grading |
A student will be evaluated by research questions according to his/her literature review, a research plan, experimental setup, analysis for the obtained results, and achievements. Impact, originality and implications will be taken into evaluation.
Message from instructor(s) |
Course keywords |
wastewater treatment, microbiology, water, global warming, environmental pollution
Office hours |
Please send email to make an appointment:
Remarks 1 |
Remarks 2 |
Related URL |
Lecture Language |
Language Subject |
Last update |
4/4/2023 9:29:53 AM