Course description |
We discuss based on academic research in the field of energy material system, mainly based on literature/survey report and case studies.
Expected Learning |
Student can understand the "global" material flow, based on energy use, etc.
Course schedule |
Report reading / reading of literature, report on progress of research and discussion, exchanging opinions with other researchers, professor's advice etc.
Prerequisites |
Doctoral course student.
Required Text(s) and Materials |
References |
Assessment/Grading |
Evaluate according to survey report, presentation, discussion contents.
Message from instructor(s) |
This class was designed to make chance for the student to prepare earlier "Chapter 1" of doctoral thesis.
Course keywords |
Office hours |
Please contact via e-mail etc.
Remarks 1 |
Remarks 2 |
Related URL |
Lecture Language |
Language Subject |
Last update |
2/17/2023 10:58:09 AM