Course title
高分子化学   [Polymer Chemistry]
Course category courses for doctoral programs  Requirement   Credit 1 
Department   Year   Semester YearLong 
Course type YearLong  Course code 125012
金子 敬一   [KANEKO Keiichi]
Facility affiliation Institute of Agriculture Office   Email address

Course description
This course will introduce you to the basic principles of chemical reactions occurring in the soil and aqueous environments. Topics of the course are soil and water contamination, elemental cycles in ecosystems, and general environmental sciences.
Expected Learning
This course will introduce you to the basic principles of chemical reactions occurring in the soil and aqueous environments. Topics of the course are soil and water contamination, elemental cycles in ecosystems, and general environmental sciences.
Course schedule
1) chemical reactions in water systems
2) chemical reactions in water systems(II)
3) remediation technologies for water (inorganic compounds)
4) remediation technologies for water(inorganic compounds)(II)
5) remediation technologies for water(organic compounds)
6) remediation technologies for water(organic compounds)(II)
7) urban and mining soil contamination
8) summary
basic knowledge of biology, geology and environmental sciences.
In addition to 15 hours that students spend in the class, students are recommended to prepare for and revise the lectures, spending the standard amount of time as specified by the University.
Required Text(s) and Materials
Excersises in each class (30%) and the final examination (70%). Total score is 100 and students with a score more than 60 are certified. S: >90, A: 90-80, B: 80-70, C: 70-60.
Message from instructor(s)
Course keywords
Office hours
Mon. 11:00-12:45
Remarks 1
Remarks 2
Related URL
Lecture Language
Language Subject
Last update
2/1/2023 4:08:09 PM