Course title
先端応用化学演習   [Frontier Chemistry Seminar]
Course category   Requirement   Credit 0.5 
Department   Year   Semester Fall 
Course type Fall  Course code 9621
村山 能宏, 小原 祐樹   [MURAYAMA Yoshihiro, OBARA Yuki]
Facility affiliation Faculty of Agriculture Office   Email address

Course description
 June, 29, 2023 (Thr) 10:00 〜online
●Aspergillus oryzae is a filamentous fungus used for the production of Japanese traditional fermented foods, and has recently been used as a host organism for the production of useful proteins and chemical compounds. In this lecture, the regulatory mechanisms of gene expression levels and cellular response mechanisms during high-level production of proteins in eukaryotic microorganisms, especially A. oryzae, will be explained.
Expected Learning
●Can explain the features and applications of A. oryzae.
●Can explain the transcriptional regulatory mechanism of hydrolytic enzyme genes used as high-level expression promoter in eukaryotic microorganisms.
●Can explain the regulatory mechanisms of gene expression levels by post-transcriptional processes and endoplasmic reticulum stress responses in eukaryotic microorganisms.
●Please refer to the curriculum map in the course guide.
Course schedule
●Features and applications of A. oryzae.
●Regulatory mechanism of hydrolytic enzymes gene expression.
●Regulatory mechanisms of mRNA levels in post-transcriptional processes.
●Endoplasmic reticulum stress response in eukaryotic microorganisms
●Basic knowledge of molecular biology is desirable.
●In addition to the 7.5 hours of lecture time and the time required for writing reports, it is required to prepare and review the lecture according to the standard number of hours at the TUAT by referring to the distributed lecture materials and related papers.
Required Text(s) and Materials
Hand out materials as needed.
Submitted paper 100%
Message from instructor(s)
Course keywords
Filamentous fungi, Aspergillus oryzae
Office hours
Questions will be accepted at the end of the lecture.
Remarks 1
Remarks 2
Related URL
Lecture Language
Language Subject
Last update
2/2/2023 1:59:17 PM