Course title
振動・波動   [Vibrations and Waves]
Course category   Requirement   Credit 0.5 
Department   Year   Semester Fall 
Course type Fall  Course code 96322
伏見 千尋   [FUSHIMI Chihiro]
Facility affiliation Organization for the Advancement of Education and Global Learning Office   Email address

Course description
Thursday, Jul. 6, 2023 10:00 -
The 2nd meeting room, 4th floor,
Main building of United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, TUAT

This course will provide up-to-date information on the state of contamination of trace elements, including heavy metals, their use by humans, and the resulting events in ecosystems. Based on this information, specific examples of environmental pollution by heavy metals and the "adaptation" of organisms will be presented to provide hints for considering how to deal with heavy metals in the future.
Expected Learning
Understanding the nature of heavy metals as pollutants and their use by humans as a cause of pollution.
Understanding of aspects of heavy metals as essential elements.
Understanding the ecological pollution caused by heavy metals and the current state of "adaptation" of wildlife.
Based on the above understanding, begin to consider sustainable options for solving heavy metal pollution and conserving wildlife.
Course schedule
The following topics will be lectured on
1. Aspects of heavy metals as pollutants and the history and current status of their use by mankind
2. Aspects of heavy metals as essential elements and the case for their adaptation by wildlife
3. The actual contamination of wildlife by heavy metals and the actual "adaptation" that is occurring
4. Some cases of how far we can get closer to the "mystery" of wildlife by using heavy metals as chemical tracers
Reference books will be provided for self-study before and after the lecture.
Required Text(s) and Materials
渡邉 泉 (2013) いのちと重金属, ちくまプリマー新書 in Japanese
Assess based on the performance in lecture (50%) and report (50%)
Message from instructor(s)
This course will show the reality of wildlife contamination and background on heavy metals, which are often considered a thing of the past. The reference book also provides a detailed (and brief) description, so students who become interested in the subject are encouraged to refer to it
Course keywords
Heavy metals, Trace elements, Essential elements, Ecological pollution, Chemical tracers
Office hours
I will receive the questions for this lecture after the class.
Remarks 1
Remarks 2
Related URL
Lecture Language
Language Subject
Last update
2/6/2023 3:06:49 PM