概要 |
This will be a practical course on team work, presentation skills, problem-solving skills based on the Scientific Communications II course, and building upon the courses of the previous semester (Scientific Communications I and III).
到達基準 |
The students will learn how to tackle ideological conflict in a team setting by developing problem-solving and consensus-building skills. They will learn to optimize their own individual participation in a team, and to bring out the optimum participation of their team-mates to solve objective problems.
授業内容 |
1-15回、主にクイン ギャリ―が討論中心の講義の担当をする。梅津は、履修者のとのコミュニケーションをとる役目を果たす。
履修条件・関連項目 |
テキスト・教科書 |
参考書 |
成績評価の方法 |
教員から一言 |
キーワード |
オフィスアワー |
備考1 |
備考2 |
参照ホームページ |
開講言語 |
語学学習科目 |
更新日付 |
2017/03/21 12:39:20