科目名[英文名] | |||||
グリーン・クリーン食料生産特論Ⅱ [Green and clean food production advancementⅡ] | |||||
区分 | 専門科目 | 選択必修 | 単位数 | 0.5 | |
対象学科等 | 対象年次 | ~ | 開講時期 | 後学期 | |
授業形態 | 後学期 | 時間割番号 | 99112 | ||
責任教員 [ローマ字表記] | |||||
酒井 憲司 [SAKAI Kenshi] | |||||
所属 | 農学部 | 研究室 | メールアドレス |
概要 |
1.This course is divided into three parts. The first is the principle and application of ecological modeling. This part focuses on the inter-relation of bio-productions and their environments in terms of green clean food technology. The second part is bioenvironmental engineering and introduces advances in treatment of agricultural and food wastes for pollution prevention and resource utilization. The third part is informatics in agriculture. |
到達基準 |
授業内容 |
1) Principle of Ecological modeling General concepts of population ecology such as growth, competition, density effect, allee effect, food web, etc. are explained. Numerical solutions of ordinal differential equation also be explained. 2) Applications of Ecological Models Applications of ecological models are introduced in practical situations of crop production and conservation biology. 3) Sensing of Agro-ecological systems Advanced technologies in ecological sensing such as spectral imaging of landscape 4) Treatment of agricultural and food wastes for pollution prevention and resource utilization. 5) Chemical processing techniques for organic waste conversion and nutrient management. 6) Application of GIS on food production. |
履修条件・関連項目 |
テキスト・教科書 |
handout and PPT |
参考書 |
成績評価の方法 |
Attendance,Quiz |
教員から一言 |
キーワード |
オフィスアワー |
備考1 |
備考2 |
参照ホームページ |
開講言語 |
語学学習科目 |
更新日付 |
2017/05/10 10:10:53 |