先端応用化学特別講義(化学英語Ⅰ)   [Special Lecture in Frontier Chemistry]
区分 工学部専門科目等  選択必修   単位数 2 
対象学科等   対象年次 14  開講時期 後学期 
授業形態 後学期  時間割番号 025201
責任教員 [ローマ字表記]
PATRICIA MCGAHAN   [Patricia McGahan]
所属 工学府 研究室   メールアドレス

In this class you will be doing task based learning with a combination of speaking, writing, reading and listening activities. The emphasis will be on increasing your communication skills, along with your information literacy skills, critical thinking, as well as academic and research skills using both a thematic & structural approach with materials focusing on chemistry.
You will be expected to attend class regularly and actively participate in expressing your ideas and opinions in English and to work with other students to improve your English language skills in addition to your information literacy skills, critical thinking, research and study skills. You are required to work with class notes and vocabulary practice, do a series of assignments & practice exercises, independent study, along with taking quizzes. You are asked to keep your work in a portfolio which is a collection of your work, using a plastic file folder with dividers (not a binder style) that will be reviewed twice in the term - both as a midterm and as a final review.
Class #1: Class Overview, Syllabus, “Speaking Up in Class”, Your Goals
Class #2: “Speaking Up in Class”, Your Goals
Class #3: Information Literacy: Types of information, Examples, Sources, with a focus on academia, business, and chemistry
Class #4: Information Literacy: Types of information, Examples, Sources, with a focus on academia, business, and chemistry
Class #5: Independent Study Example
Class #6: Information Literacy: Oral Information - examples using TED Talks & YouTube with a focus on chemistry
Class #7: Mid-term Portfolios, Mid-term Independent Study
Class #8: Information Literacy: Written Information - examples, scientific reporting with abstracts & IMRAD - Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results and Discussion
Class #9: Identifying IMRAD using examples of ScienceDaily and Phys Org articles with a focus on chemistry
Class #10: Identifying IMRAD using examples of ScienceDaily and Phys Org articles along with research journal articles
Class #11: Information Literacy: Visual information - figures, graphics, and visuals used in scientific reporting
Class #12: Information Literacy: Visual information - figures, graphics, and visuals used in scientific reporting
Class #13: Information Literacy: Press Releases - examples with a focus on chemistry
Class #14: Final Portfolios, Final Independent Study
Class #15: Course Wrap up
A wide variety of materials are used in the class and at times you will be asked to access information from the internet, print it out and bring it to class.
Examples of TED Talks, YouTube videos, articles from ScienceDaily and Phys Org, scientific research journal articles, with a focus on chemistry will be used in classes.
Attendance & Participation 15% (Students must attend at least two-thirds of all classes in order to receive credit for the course.)
Assignments & Exercise Practices: 45%
Class Notes, Vocabulary Practices, & Quizzes: 20%
Mid-term Independent Study Project: 10%
Final Independent Study Project: 10%
Looking forward to you further developing your passions while challenging yourself in this class and hopefully gaining more confidence and a variety of skills as you truly can make a difference in your life & the lives of others to make our world a better place with contributing your talents and abilities.
Passions, Challenge, Contribute, Efforts, Integrity, Study Skills, Information Literacy, Critical Thinking, Academic Skills, Research Skills, Carpe diem, Time
Please speak to me in class or communicate by email if you have any question(s) or would like to discuss anything, an appointment for additional time can be arranged.
Do work on using English at all times in this class both in your oral and written communication!
2018/08/10 16:33:01