科目名[英文名] | |||||
English Listening and Reading for Biological production II [English Listening and Reading for Biological production Ⅱ] | |||||
区分 | 選択必修 | 単位数 | 2 | ||
対象学科等 | 対象年次 | 3~ | 開講時期 | 3学期 | |
授業形態 | 3学期 | 時間割番号 | 01AN3110 | ||
責任教員 [ローマ字表記] | |||||
本林 隆, 千年 篤, 杉村 智史, 天竺桂 弘子, 伊藤 克彦, 田中 治夫, 大川 泰一郎 [MOTOBAYASHI Takashi, CHITOSE Atsushi, SUGIMURA Satoshi, TABUNOKI Hiroko, ITO Katsuhiko, TANAKA Haruo, OKAWA Taiichiro] | |||||
所属 | 農学部 | 研究室 | メールアドレス |
概要 |
この授業は英語で行われる。単位取得には、国際農学科目のPrinciples and Potentials of Agribusiness(1単位)とIntroduction to Charcoal Application(1単位)の両科目の履修が必要である。 The goal of this course is to understand the basic theories as well as the present situations and challenges regarding agribusiness and sustainable agriculture with focus on bio-char through English. The course consists of the two subjects: "Principles and Potentials of Agribusiness" and "Introduction to Charcoal Application." |
到達基準 |
To deepen an understanding of various issues related to agribusiness and sustainable agriculture and to explain such issues in English 本科目のディプロマ・ポリシーの観点: (農学部の場合)本学HP三つのポリシーのカリキュラムマップを参照してください。 URL: https://www.tuat.ac.jp/campuslife_career/campuslife/policy/ |
授業内容 |
Please see the Classroom with code "bewpoiv". 1C. 10/5(M): Introduction, Overview of agriculture, agribusiness, and agricultural markets, Explanation of assignment (own project) 2K. 10/12(M) Basic economics: supply and demand, market equilibrium 3K.10/19(M): Behavior of agribusiness agents: private firms vs. cooperatives 4K.10/26(W): Strategies of agribusiness firms: price discrimination, integration, scale economies and scope economies 5C. 11/2(M): Presentation by students (I), Branding and certification 6C. 11/9(W): Food safety and risk analysis 7C. 11/16(M): Presentation by students (II) 8C. 11/23(M): Summary, Final examination Please see the Classroom with code "yig3ns3". On Saturday, October 3rd, 2020 at Field Museum Tsukui (TUAT Tsukui Farm), Sagamihara City (9:00 to 12:30) 1. Agrowaste and local biomass 2. Pit kiln: Making charcoal from bamboo and mulberry branches 3. Drum kiln and Iwate kiln: Structure and working process 4. Chimney-standing device for making rice husk/sawdust charcoal 5. Challenges for smoke-less charcoal making. On Saturday, October 10, 2020 at Fuchu Campus, Room 2N-402 (10:00 to 12:30) 6. (Lecture) TUAT's Charcoal Project in Vietnam 7-8. (Group work and discussion) How can we apply charcoal technology for rural livelihoods and environmental conservaon? |
履修条件・関連項目 |
テキスト・教科書 |
教科書は使用しない。必要に応じ資料を配布する。 |
参考書 |
< Principles and Potentials of Agribusiness > Cliff Ricketts and Kristina Ricketts, Agribusiness: Fundamentals and Applications (2nd ed.), Delmar, 2009. < Introduction to Charcoal Application > Altieri, MA and Nicholls, CI, Agroecology and the Search for a Truly Sustainable Agriculture. UNEP, 2005 http://www.agroeco.org/doc/agroecology-engl-PNUMA.pdf |
成績評価の方法 |
A final grade will be given based on the performance for the two subjects: "Principles and Potentials of Agribusiness" and "Introduction to Charcoal Application." |
教員から一言 |
A student who wishes to complete this course with 2 credits, should take both subjects: "Principles and Potentials of Agribusiness" and "Introduction to Charcoal Application." If you take only one subject of the two, you will be given no credit. |
キーワード |
Agribusiness, Food system, Value-added agriculture, Sustainable agriculture, Orgnic farming, Bio-char |
オフィスアワー |
Right after each class or by appointment through E-mail upon request. |
備考1 |
授業の内容については本科目のクラスルームでもご確認してください。 Please check the changes in the syllabus contents on the Google Classroom. Class code: qyrhrvj |
備考2 |
履修希望者は、9月30日まで、及川先生にメール(ft9253@go.tuat.ac.jp)にてご連絡ください。その際に、学籍番号、氏名とともに、”English Listening and Reading for Biological production II”として履修希望である旨、ご通知ください。 |
参照ホームページ |
開講言語 |
英語 |
語学学習科目 |
更新日付 |
2020/09/24 18:40:09 |