科目名[英文名] | |||||
Workplace English [Workplace English] | |||||
区分 | 後期専門科目 | 選択必修 | 単位数 | 1 | |
対象学科等 | 生物システム応用科学府博士 | 対象年次 | ~ | 開講時期 | 3学期 |
授業形態 | 3学期 | 時間割番号 | 148204 | ||
責任教員 [ローマ字表記] | |||||
QUINN Gary(早) [QUINN Gary] | |||||
所属 | 生物システム応用科学府 | 研究室 | メールアドレス |
概要 |
副題 Advanced Team Work and Presentation Skills This will be a practical course on team work, presentation skills, problem-solving skills based on the Scientific Communications II course, and building upon the courses of the previous semester (Scientific Communications I and III). |
到達基準 |
The students will learn how to tackle ideological conflict in a team setting by developing problem-solving and consensus-building skills. They will learn to optimize their own individual participation in a team, and to bring out the optimum participation of their team-mates to solve objective problems. |
授業内容 |
1: Introduction of other classmates and to the teacher. Overview of the course aims and the skills to be developed. 2: This course represents and advance upon the Sci. Comm. III introduction to team work and presentation skills with emphasis on advanced techniques of communication. The format of this course will track the syllabus of Scientific Communications II. All exercises will the set up to practice and illustrate the theoretical material discussed in the corresponding Sci. Comm. II lectures. (1-14) 15: Course summary and reflection. |
履修条件・関連項目 |
テキスト・教科書 |
なし |
参考書 |
なし |
成績評価の方法 |
討論内容の質、積極性、グループ内貢献度、出席割合などを総合的に判断して評価する。 |
教員から一言 |
キーワード |
オフィスアワー |
講義内で説明する。 |
備考1 |
備考2 |
参照ホームページ |
開講言語 |
英語 |
語学学習科目 |
更新日付 |
2020/04/02 19:53:57 |