科目名[英文名] | |||||
比較行動学実験・実習 [Experiment and Practice on Ethology] | |||||
区分 | 選択必修 | 単位数 | 3 | ||
対象学科等 | 対象年次 | ~ | 開講時期 | 通年 | |
授業形態 | 通年 | 時間割番号 | 02t8822 | ||
責任教員 [ローマ字表記] | |||||
石原 加奈子, 大森 啓太郎 [ISHIHARA Kanako, OHMORI Keitaro] | |||||
所属 | 生物システム応用科学府 | 研究室 | メールアドレス |
概要 |
Overview of Biomedical Engineering Research, the aim and the program in progress at TUAT, will be lectured with laboratory tours by professors of the Department of Biomedical Engineering to overview the representative engineering field in global-wide biomedical interests. |
到達基準 |
Learners who successfully complete this course will be able to understand an overview of various research themes in the Department of Biomedical Engineering and comprehend the relationship between each research theme and biomedical technology. |
授業内容 |
The students are requested to learn under the thoughts with following points by 10 classes of lectures. (1) Research fields which compose of the Department of Biomedical Engineering. (2) The concepts and techniques of each research field and their contributions to current and future medical technology. (3) The relationships between courses and research fields in the Department of Biomedical Engineering. (4) Process and methodology in each research field. |
履修条件・関連項目 |
テキスト・教科書 |
Handouts given at the lectures |
参考書 |
成績評価の方法 |
Grading will be due to discussions and reports. |
教員から一言 |
キーワード |
Principles, objectives, and achievements in biomedical engineering |
オフィスアワー |
備考1 |
備考2 |
参照ホームページ |
開講言語 |
英語 |
語学学習科目 |
更新日付 |
2023/03/08 18:24:29 |