科目名[英文名] | |||||
知的財産権 [Intellectual Property] | |||||
区分 | 選択必修 | 単位数 | 1 | ||
対象学科等 | 対象年次 | 1~ | 開講時期 | 前学期 | |
授業形態 | 前学期 | 時間割番号 | 05CF0018 | ||
責任教員 [ローマ字表記] | |||||
高田 秀重, 水川 薫子 [TAKADA Hideshige, MIZUKAWA Kaoruko] | |||||
所属 | 農学部附属広域都市圏フィールドサイエンス教育研究センター | 研究室 | メールアドレス |
概要 |
農学領域に関する基礎から応用に至る知識の習得を目標とした講義科目であり、農学並びに関連する科学分野の研究について学習する。このため、毎年ゲストスピーカーを迎え、最新のトピックスを講義する。 |
到達基準 |
農学並びに関連する科学分野の最新のトピックスを理解し、説明できる。 本科目のディプロマ・ポリシーの観点: 本学HP(三つのポリシー)のカリキュラムマップを参照してください。 https://www.tuat.ac.jp/campuslife_career/campuslife/policy/ |
授業内容 |
ゲストスピーカーの専門分野およびその周辺分野の最新のトピックについて講義する。授業は、講師による講義、質疑応答、様々なテーマについてのグループディスカッション、その結果を報告する発表等を含む。 We have three visiting professors for the sciences related to agriculture and environment. Each professor will give us updated and latest knowledge and technique for understanding the processes and prediction for water, sediment, and nutrient in lands and rivers. Topics for developing sustainable resources management will be included. Contents We have three visiting professors for the sciences related to agriculture and environment. Each professor will give us updated and latest knowledge and technique for understanding the processes and prediction for water, sediment, and nutrient in lands and rivers. Topics for developing sustainable resources management will be included. Location:2N402 (2nd building 4th floor) or 2nd Lecture room 3F-31, Fuchu campus Schedule Lecture #1 November 12 (90 minutes×2) Kirstin Bunte Introduction of sediment dynamics in rivers Lecture #2 November 13(90 minutes ×1) Kirstin Bunte Method for monitoring the sediment dynamics Lecture #3 November 14 (90 minutes ×1) Kirstin Bunte Evaluating the sediment dynamics and river management Lecture #4 December 2 (90 minutes×2) Julien Tournebize Introduction of water quality and its evaluation Lecture #5 December 4 (90 minutes×2) Julien Tournebize Water quality mitigation using bufferzone for the nutrient and pesticide Lecture #6 January 15 (90 minutes×2) Liyantono Introduction of watershed hydrology with Remote Sensing Analysis Lecture #7 January 22 (90 minutes×2) Liyantono Hydrological application for modeling and prediction of landuse changes Brief introduction of visiting professor Dr. Kirstin Bunte Dr. Krisin Bunte is a research engineer focusing on sediment dynamics and fluvial geomorphology in Colorado State University, USA. She obtained Ph.D. of physical geography in Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany. She has been working on improving monitoring technique for bedload sediment in mountain revers. She also focuses on patterns of sediment movement for changes in river morphology. Course description The lecture by Dr. Bunte includes introduction of sediment movement in streams and rivers. She will explain processes and mechanisms how, where and when sediment can be mobilized. She also explores how we can evaluate the sediment movement in a given condition around the world. Discussion in the lecture will be extended toward river and watershed management and conservation. Dr. Julien Tournebize Dr. Julien Tournebize is Research Engineer and the team leader of Attenuation, Mitigation, Transfer and Modelling of Pollutant in HydroSystems Section in Irstea, France. He has received Doctor degree in Physics at University of Strasbourg in 2001. After, He worked as Research Engineer in Cemagref which is former institution of Irestea. He has been mainly worked for the aria of pollutant fate and transport and mitigation in aquatic ecosystem. Course description: The lecture content by Dr. Tournebize includes regarding general water quality issue in agricultural drainage and wetland ecosystem. Other issues are the water quality mitigation using buffer zone in terms of nitrate and pesticides. Functions and roles of vegetative buffer zone for reducing pollutant concentration entering streams and aquatic ecosystem will be presented. Dr. Liyantono Dr. Liyantono is an associate professor in Bogor Agricultural University. He obtained Ph.D. in United Graduate School of Agriculture Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan. He focused modeling and remote sensing approaches for rice field and water resources management. He specified for using soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) model for water and soil conservation from paddy to watershed scales. His focuses extends to economical evaluation and environmental conservation. Course description The lecture included general aspects of watershed hydrology, field and remote sensing approaches, and managements. His lectures will also include modeling and prediction of land use changes in watershed scales. Bridging between science and social implementation can be included in this lecture. 連絡先 Contact For lecture by Dr. Bunte:Takashi Gomi, gomit@cc.tuat.ac.jp For lecture by Dr. Tournebize:Hirozumi Watanabe, pochi@cc.tuat.ac.jp For lecture by Dr. Liyantono:Tasuku Kato, taskkato@cc.tuat.ac.jp |
履修条件・関連項目 |
予習・復習を参考資料や配布資料で実施すること。 |
テキスト・教科書 |
講義時の資料を参照 |
参考書 |
講義中に紹介 |
成績評価の方法 |
授業への参加態度および各先生の課題・レポートなどを総合して評価する。 |
教員から一言 |
キーワード |
オフィスアワー |
随時 |
備考1 |
連絡先 Contact OIKAWA Yosei: yosei@cc.tuat.ac.jp |
備考2 |
参照ホームページ |
開講言語 |
英語 |
語学学習科目 |
更新日付 |
2023/03/07 20:10:35 |