先端機器分析学   [Advanced Measurement Techniques in the Life Sciences]
区分 論文研究等  選択必修   単位数 2 
対象学科等   対象年次   開講時期 通年 
授業形態 通年  時間割番号 1810102
責任教員 [ローマ字表記]
渡辺 峻   [WATANABE Shun]
所属 工学部 研究室   メールアドレス

The course is composed of two parts: 1st part includes lectures and practicum and 2nd part involves proposal-writing workshops.
The 1st part (lectures) will teach scientific literacy and analysis methods (skills) basic to sustainability research. Students will learn the basic methods and principles in finding scientific evidence. In particular, lectures will deal with the basic theories in social mathematics (statistics, economics, etc.), experimental design and analysis, systems engineering, artificial intelligence, etc., as well as with analysis methods that have wide-ranging applications in the real world, such as big data analysis, GIS, and cost-benefit analysis. Also, in order to deepen understanding of content regarding scientific literacy and analysis methods learned in the lectures, case study workshops will be held along with the lectures.
The 2nd part (academic writing workshops) is aimed at mastering practical techniques in writing English papers. In particular, as introduction to a proposal, students will individually write an abstract on an assigned theme, and in the process, check, evaluate, and improve the written contents as necessary, and submit a final draft, after gaining an understanding of the essential points in academic English writing (including important pointers and rules) as well as of the characteristics of humanities/social sciences and natural sciences.
The learning outcomes for this course include the following:
1. gain analytical abilities useful in articulating logical and pluralistic ways of thinking called for in international settings.
2. demonstrate basic theories, practical skills and effective English writing techniques for formulating and implementing international development strategies and plans.
#1. 10/15 Foundations of Sustainability Research B(1)
AM: Demachi Kazue (TUFS): An analytical method for social research: RCT
PM: Takeuchi Shinichi (TUFS): Technique of fieldwork

#2. 10/22 Foundations of Sustainability Research B(2)
AM: Yamamoto Kayoko (UEC): Analysis of Big Data/ Basics and Use Range of GIS
PM: Katori Hiroko (TUAT), Yokoi Hiroshi and OKADA SHUDO Yoshiko (UEC): Sustainability from the viewpoint of natural scientists

#3. 10/29 Foundations of Sustainability Research B(3)
AM: Misawa Kazuhiko and Ito Terumasa (TUAT): Academic Research Writing
PM: Guest Lecturer (TBD)

#4. 11/6 Foundations of Sustainability Research B(4)
AM: Hashiyama Tomonori (UEC): Basics of AI
PM: Student Presentations (by D2 students)

#5. 11/13 Foundations of Sustainability Research B(5)
AM: Chitose Atsushi (TUAT): Basic Statistics & Economic Thinking
PM: Guest Lecturer (TBD)

#6. 12/4 Foundations of Sustainability Research B(6)
AM: Group Work: Peer Review of Your Paper (1)
PM: Group Work: Peer Review of Your Paper (2)
You are recommended to prepare for, and review, the classes spending the standard amount of time as specified by the University for each class.
All lecture materials will be provided via the online classroom platform (Google Classroom)
Term paper: 60%
Participation and discussions: 40%
sustainability research, writing skills
Tuesdays: 3pm-5pm, or email: department@go.wt-jdpsr.jp
2023/02/14 10:07:33