科目名[英文名] | |||||
生体電子工学 [Bio-related Electronics] | |||||
区分 | 論文研究等 | 選択必修 | 単位数 | 1 | |
対象学科等 | 対象年次 | ~ | 開講時期 | 通年 | |
授業形態 | 通年 | 時間割番号 | 1811103 | ||
責任教員 [ローマ字表記] | |||||
矢野 史朗 [YANO Shiro] | |||||
所属 | 農学部 | 研究室 | メールアドレス |
概要 |
The course is aimed at enhancing core competency in the doctoral dissertation research field and at enabling students to explain the purpose and significance of their research in relation to current research trend. Students attend tutorial under a triplet research supervision scheme: one academic principal supervisor and two co-supervisors. In addition, the course trains students in each aspect of research, namely, comprehension, analysis, and implementation, which require a higher level of competency, through discussions with supervisors. The course helps students acquire consensus-building skills and the capacity to adapt to diverse value systems and environments, while leveraging new ideas, knowledge, and information obtained through meaningful academic exchanges with researchers not only in their specialized fields but also from other disciplines, into the design of their doctoral dissertation research. Interdisciplinary Seminars consist of the three parts noted below: 1. Tutorial under Triplet Research Supervision Scheme Students take seminars tutorially by academic principal supervisor. While holding regular seminars with an academic principal supervisor, students attend seminars provided by co-supervisor or laboratory work. Students are expected to actively engage in discussions with the co-supervisors and research laboratory members and in communicating their own experience, analytical approach, and ideas. 2. Workshop Discussions with the principal supervisor and the two co-supervisors will be held to help students clarify the academic contributions of their research, narrow down their research themes, and improve their doctoral dissertation research plans in consideration of opinions of faculty members in other disciplines. 3. Academic Literacy provided by the three universities (TUFS, UEC and TUAT) The lecture trains students that enable to acquire the basic skills on scientific writing, presentation and literacy on modern technology at the university level. At the end of the course, students will prepare to write a report regarding their research concept for the collaborative humanities and sciences colloquium as part of the "Advanced Practicum in Sustainability Research I" Course. Remote videoconference systems or other media may be used as necessary. ---------- - Academic Literacy Seminar provided by TUFS (online) Subject: Academic English Writing Class Instructor: SUZUKI, Steven Taro Summary and goals of the course: The course is designed to improve academic writing skills in research contexts. In particular, writing research papers suitable for publication will be learned. In order to achieve this goal, higher-level intellectual skills will be developed and improved through engaging in, and performing various tasks and discussions. A natural by-product will be students improving their analytical, rhetorical, and critical thinking skills. These skills are abstract and difficult to measure; however, they are important in terms of being able to produce quality and meaningful papers. Writing skills for publishing research papers for field specific journals and professional conference proceedings will be the main focus. However, many of the skills learned can be applied to other academic and professional writing contexts. ---- - Academic Literacy Seminar provided by TUAT (Fuchu campus) Subject: Econometrics/Development Economics Instructor: CHITOSE, Atsushi Summary and goals of the course: Learn the theory and application of modern econometrics or development economics through reading the text to be selected. ---- - Academic Literacy Seminar provided by UEC (online or hybrid) The seminar on the keywords below will be held when there is a request from students. Please contact with your academic principal supervisor if you want to attend. Venue: TBD Instructors: YOKOI, Hiroshi & OKADA-SHUDO, Yoshiko (UEC) Keywords: Medical Welfare Mechanics, Robotics, Visual functional device, and Nanophotonics |
到達基準 |
Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to: - enhance core competency in their doctoral dissertation research field. - explain the purpose and significance of their research in relation to current research trends. - refine their doctoral research by accelerating each aspect of research, namely, comprehension, analysis and implementation, through discussions with the assistant supervisors. - acquire consensus-building skills and the capacity to adapt to diverse value systems and environments. - leverage new ideas, knowledge, and information obtained through meaningful academic exchanges with researchers not only in their specialized fields but also from other disciplines, into the design of their doctoral dissertation research. 本科目のディプロマ・ポリシーの観点:履修案内のカリキュラムマップを参照してください。 |
授業内容 |
1. Tutorial under Triplet Research Supervision Scheme Students will hold group reading and discussion of important previous research in their specialized fields and other related fields to enhance their competency. In particular, students are expected to deepen their understanding of the various problems that arise during the conduct of their research/experiment as well as of the countermeasures to those problems while incorporating the results of discussions in the seminars into their daily laboratory work and/or research activities. 2. Workshop The workshop is held after lecture of Foundations of Sustainability Research A or B (scheduled on Saturday evening). Students report and hold Q&As on their doctoral dissertation research concepts. Students will make a decision to give a presentation after consulting with academic principal supervisor. 3. Academic Literacy provided by the three universities (TUFS, UEC and TUAT) - Academic Literacy Seminar provided by TUFS (online) Subject: Academic English Writing Class Instructor: SUZUKI, Steven Taro (TUFS) Schedule: TBD - Academic Literacy Seminar provided by TUAT Subject: Econometrics/Development Economics Instructor: CHITOSE, Atsushi (TUAT) Schedule: 17:40-19:10, TBD - Academic Literacy Seminar provided by UEC (online or hybrid) Subject: Medical Welfare Mechanics, Robotics, Visual functional device, and Nanophotonics Instructors: YOKOI, Hiroshi & OKADA-SHUDO, Yoshiko (UEC) Schedule: TBD |
履修条件・関連項目 |
You are recommended to prepare for, and review, the classes spending the standard amount of time as specified by the University for each class. |
テキスト・教科書 |
To be decided upon discussion with students at the start of the class. |
参考書 |
To be distributed and introduced in each class. |
成績評価の方法 |
Participation and contribution 100% |
教員から一言 |
キーワード |
オフィスアワー |
Tuesdays: 3pm-5pm, or email: department@go.wt-jdpsr.jp |
備考1 |
備考2 |
参照ホームページ |
開講言語 |
英語 |
語学学習科目 |
更新日付 |
2023/01/31 21:54:37 |